Hope for The Weary Mom Blog Tour

I am excited to be part of the Hope for the Weary Mom Blog Tour with Brooke McGlothlin and Stacey Thacker. You can find out more and join the tour by clicking here!



it a game played by hundreds (if not thousands) of teens and young adults on Facebook.   The whole premise is that when you see the “truth is…..” Status you click like and the person who posted it will finish the statement with something (usually good) about you!

A few years ago I had no idea what this game was.  So scrolling through FB One evening I saw this status from one of my Youth group kids and I liked it!….BECAUSE I LIVE FOR TRUTH!   What happened in return humbled me so much’.  I was so grateful for her encouraging words….but in the same respect my niavity was erased!

So what does that have to do with this book.  Well it was around the same time that I acquired a free copy of Hope fore the Weary Mom.   It sat on my Kindle for months.  Little did I know that this book was going to be used by God in a fantastic way.    Fast forward to January of 2013.  Brooke and Stacey started a book club going through Hope.   It was a horrible time as I walked this Huge journey. Of realizing that our then 5 year old son was far more than “a little bit quirky”.  I felt all alone as began to realize our path now merged with that of a child on the Autism Spectrum……but my voice wasn’t the only one telling me I was failing….it echoed from every nook and cranny of my world.   I hid in my home, I feared going out in public with him.   I was SPENT!

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Dear Weary Mom….They Grow Up Far Too Fast!

Oh goodness and this is coming from a mom whose 4 kids range in age from 8 down to almost 4…..and just in case you are wondering, no none of them are twins!

But tonight as I stood at my washer and dryer folding my third load of laundry today…..I held in my hands  a few shirts and pairs of pants that have MIRACULOUSLY made it through all three boys.  I can so clearly remember each little monkey as I pulled the shirts over their heads, tickled their tummies and kissed their noses *SIGH*. Sometimes life is so busy, it almost seems to be foggy. One day blends into the next and before you know it the last kid is almost ready to move into 5T!  Oh Boy!

Then the kids (and the adults) have been so busy with school and church and chores and and and…..

THEN A BREAK! Sadly there used to be a day when such a long break overwhelmed me .  But this break…

This Christmas break has been very different.  And I don’t think it’s the kids either.  I know it is me.   It was my attitude.   My attitude  has changed so much over the last year!  God has taught me to love my little sinners for who they are…not who I want them to become.  I have watched my kids  bounce back from some damaging stuff last year, and over the last few weeks realize that my kids are growing leaps and bounds in their faith/reliance on God!   

In some ways they are growing into the very tender hearts I have prayed for, and as they do that they are growing up as well!  Bigger Cloths, more district likes and dislikes,  budding talents and their own very unique personalities.  My kids are as distinct as their favorite colors……my home is a rainbow of differences!  Differences we embrace.  I am so curious as to what God is going to use my rainbow for!   So I encourage you, watch your kids, enjoy your kids, and embrace the rainbow that  is your kids

This Post was inspired by HOPE FOR THE WEARY MOM

Dear Weary ….Me

imageDear Weary Me,

I  know you’re plum tuckered out.  I know you feel ragged and worn.  I know there is aways more work to be done, but sometimes you just need to stop and breathe.

I have some advice for you, you know it well but  sometimes you just need a reminder!

God gives you many blessings and promises, take a moment each day to remind yourself of them!

1. God knows you are not perfect, He died for that very reason.  He loves you THAT much.

2.  God knows EVERYTHING.  He won’t leave you…EVER!  He never promised you He wouldn’t give you  what you couln’t hadle.  What He did promise was that He has it all under control.

3. He has our best interest in mind.  Even though things may not appear as such sometimes, that is still the case.  Trusting  in Him, opens our eyes to the blessing that lie in some of our darkest moments.  We need His light to see it though!

You know truth!  You know where to find it.  Take the time to dive in




For more Dear Weary Mom posts go to Hopr for The Weary Mom


Dear Weary Mom, You Really Aren’t Alone!

I find it funny that in my darkest of moments I can convince myself of anything!

And the biggest lie of it all is….”no one understands or cares enough to understand what I am going through”

That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

First off God understands!   He loves us and cares for us.  He wants us to come running to him.  But we (and I mean I) dismiss that, because God isn’t …whatever ( insert your own excuse)!

I mean people Mary!

Ok so, i have an (as in 1) autistic child.   In a crowd full of parents of “Normal” kids….i feel pretty alone.  But what I don’t realize is that the mom who looks like she has it all together is feeling all alone because her husband just  left her.

And that woman in the corner who is chatting boisterously is feeling alone because both of her parents were killed in a car accident.

And the new mom at the table cuddling her infant son is feeling alone in her post pardem depression and lack of sleep!

That alone feeling strikes us all at various times in our lives and yet whether it’s embarrassment, or pride, or fear OR all of the above, we chose to hide it…..deep in those dark recesses of our hearts!

I want to challenge you to open up. Tell someone.  Ask God to give you courage and strength!   And share how you feel.  You can share with your best friend, your spouse, your mom, OR as I choose to, here on my blog.  Transparency helps others, and it helps you

I highly recommend it!

For more Dear Weary mom posts visit Hope For the Weary Mom!

Dear Weary Mom…Kiss Perfection GOODBYE!


Ir really seems like i have to do this every. Single. Day.

My heart grows faint.  I feel as though I fail.   Somedays success is counting all four kids as they sleep.  If they are all there, it’s been a successful day!   Ah you think i jest but in reality losing a child ( literally) is something I have to deal with all the time.  It is probably the biggest worry right now in this phase of having a five year old son with autism!

I never know when or where he will bolt but i literally wake up with panic attacks in the middle of the night  and i have to go check to make sure he is still there.  I have spent SOOOO. Much time keeping my eyes on him that it seems as though EVERYTHING around me is falling apart.  I stand back and i look at half done projects, an unclean  house, devotions needing to be done, one filthy kid who fell asleep before his bath, burnt dinner (or completely forgotten at that). Late paperwork, unreturned phone calls missed emails…and forget the shower!

We like to think that life is this nice, neat little package, that needs to be handled the same way every time.  The problem is that not every day starts the same way!   We can start off the day with getting up early, doing our devos, getting the kids lunches packed….you know the mornings that RARELY start that way…lol we would love them to, but then  reality POPS that little day dream bubble!   It’s usually is with someone needing me for something, burning, barking, puking.  Phones ringing, knocks at the door. AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON………AND ON!

So at the end of the day when the four little munchkins are safe in their beds, and I collapse in a chair, unable to find the mental capacity let alone the physical ability to continue on, and as I scan the debris scattered around me and of the to-do list that once reached Tokyo that now is headed for Beijing and the mountain of laundry that seemed so accomplishable but now feels like Mount Rushmore, where or where do I turn.   I feel alone, ashamed..a failure!  

I have found solace in a couple of things…..

-God is always with me (even in my biggest of messes)

-my joy is not found in the approval of others

-nor is my purpose, rest or faith

-Christ’s blood covered ALL of my imperfections, AND  that is ALL. I need!

-My best is all i have to offer…..anything more is by the grace of God

Those are my resting points.  Those are the things I am confident in.   

I hope this helps!  It surely did for me, as i remind myself of my purpose…to bring glory to God in all that say and do.

That may not look like what you might expect…or what I might expect….

It might just mean being focused on others rather than that to-do list that now reaches to Turkey!

Have a great night all!

For more  Dear Weary Mom Posts visit Hope for the Weary Mom!