Writer’s Playground

Hey you…yeah you…the one with the notebook and pen in hand…..obviously you are like me right? You like to write….or journal, right. You have all the signs, including the pen indention on your middle finger (that is if you hold you pen correctly :), if not oh well.)

I wanted to share with you some fun journaling ideas i have found on Pinterest!

I have been actively pursuing both, mostly because they take so little time. To be quite honest, it has been sparking my blogging juices! And i have some posts coming up that are triggered by the journal prompts.

Here they are as i sat working one morning a few weeks ago when we were in Florida.

They are great for both the novice and experienced writers. I find it just enough to get me thinking without overwhelming my busy schedule.

The first is a five year journal. I actually found a very nice thick journal while in Florida. Basically you need to save enough space. Under each day for one line for five years. You can do this either with prompts or without them . For this year i choose to use them but i cannot guarantee i will always!
You can find the Prompts for the five year journal here.

The other is a fun printable……ok so 50 fun printables….you can pick border free, a border you can doodle and color yourself or pre-colored. I have been copying two at each sitting so i can photo copy the next set! I will say though that I must put a disclaimer here. In a rare instance I need to scratch out some options in the lightening round section….mostly related to alcohol. I do not prefer to drink anything with alcohol in it. So make you choice but i would not throw out the baby with the bath water just for one choice.

You can find the printables here

I hope you enjoy these journaling opportunities as much as I have. Whether you are a blogger, writer, or journaler (i think i just coined a new word). Give it a shot!
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad