Women Living Well Wednesdays- Making Life a Little Simpler

Hi all, i think this is my second time doing this post and hopefully as I settle into a new routine it will become more frequent.

So a little about myself. My name is Mary, i am the owner and author of this blog and yet it is solely dedicated to my walk with Christ. You’ll get a little bit of everything with me!

I am the wife to my red-headed pastor husband! I love him dearly! And we have been married for almost 10 years! Can it really be that long already!

We have four amazing kids whom we love very much as well! Three boys and a daughter and they all keep us hopping. The oldest is almost 8 and the youngest is almost 3. Yep we pretty much have stair steps!

This coming week will mark our four year anniversary at our current church and we love it here!

Over the last six months our lives have changed a bit! Our 5 year old son was diagnosed with Aspergers last month. This really has taken it’s toll. We are beginning to be able to understand things a little more so we are realizing that somethings really need to change. One of those things is our schedules.

As a pastors family we live pretty crazy lives as it is, and things are ALWAYS changing but as we have come to realize our son really struggles with this! So i have come up with a few ways to help!

Here are some of my goals.
1. I already menu plan but I am finding it necessary to make meals ahead! I love to cook but depending on the day and it’s circumstances, i am finding that I am just too exhausted.

2. Blogging is one outlet that I have let slide. I love to do it and have been doing so since like 2007! So in order to do a good job I have set up a blogging schedule, and I have found thus far, I am accomplishing a lot more!

3. And back a few months ago I modified my cleaning schedule. And then our son started having major meltdowns and it just seemed as though hubby and I would deal with those issues for literally hours and then have nothing else to give. So now as i settle into this new rhythm i look forward to implementing this!

It is my hope and prayer that these simplified things will make a positive impact on our family life as well as be glorifying to God in all that we say and do!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad