Well It’s been a while….

The last time i wrote it was December 15th!  I can hardly believe that we have completely sailed through Christmas and New years.  Wow time flies when you are having fun.  OR as the case may be SICK.  For a month prior to the December 15th posting I had a cold that just would not go away.  We tried everything and it simply came down to getting an antibiotic I wish I had gone three weeks prior!!  Now as I am writing this I find myself completely queezy with some sort of stomach bug and praying very hard that no one else gets it in the house!

Hubby has been furiously typing a way at the laptop upstairs.  His first two chapters of his master’s thesis is due in the mail tomorrow morning. and NO he did not wait til the last minute to do it.  He is finishing up foot notes and editing! 

Little Bean lost a few ounces again last week at the Dr’s visit but they were not overly concerned since he had gained so much prior to that visit.  He has another weight check  next Monday!  He is getting so big.  He has gained two teeth in the last month.  He creeps everywhere and at an astonishing speed.  I do declare he is part puppy.  the way he chews and drools and growls!!!

I have been doing a lot of planning again.  It seems like that is all I do at the beginning of January.  Somehow I completely lost my calendar at the end of last year SOOO from October to the end of December I felt like I was flying in the dark But a new year has Dawned and I have decided to put my new calendar right into my planning notebook which I plan on writing a blog post about REAL soon. 

Hopefully this stomach bug this will end as quickly as it has shown up and I will be able to blog more regularly!

Also I will be revisiting the Prayer plan for our husbands since I quickly discovered that my scheduled posting option wasn’t working and my website guru (HT) has fixed the problem!  (THANKS HT)  That will make it easier to stay current!  I will probably do it as a Valentines month theme!  Or maybe just the month of January!

So please stay tuned!    There will be many fun things to come Including a movie review and some other very fun stuff!

Have a great night and God Bless!