Vacation is over!

Hi all,
Sorry for the absence but we took a week of vacation! It was wonderful!
And now that we are back and mostly recouped from our insanely long trip back. I am renewed and refreshed!

This was out first vacation in FOUR years. Over the last few years we have spent two weeks in spring in Michigan for hubby’s Th.M. program. Last may he graduated so we didn’t need to go out there! That was half school and half vacation!

The last full vacation we took was to Tennessee and Kentucky before my husband accepted the call to the church he now pastors back in February of 2009!

On this trip we got to spend time with my aunt and uncle in South Carolina and on the return trip we got to see my brother for a few minutes. While in Florida we got to spend time with hubby’s brother HT and sister -in -law L. And our new (and only) niece Ducky (that’s her nickname)

Isn’t she sweet! hubby and I fought over her and the kids all loved her to bits! We enjoyed the sun and warmth of southern Florida!

We as a family we rested…well that is until we headed home from South Carolina! What should have taken us 13 hours ended up taking us 26! The traffic we hit was unbelievable and we even avoided the DC /Baltimore area!

All in all it was a real blessing. We miss everyone!
I look forward to jumping in with both feet over the coming weeks!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad