My view for this morning looks something like this
No joke. After some super stressful stuff yesterday, hubby came home after his deacon prayer meeting this morning and said “why don’t you come hang out in the woods with me this morning”. To which I replied, ” i don’t think so, i am way behind on blogging and housework.” He said, “just blog in the woods, you can post them when you get home later! And I will keep little bean with me.”
What a blessing it is to get away… get away from, all the canning, and dehydrating, the housework and the phone! Just sitting outside in a hoodie jeans and sneakers in the cool autumny (yes I made that up) morning, listening to the breeze in the trees .
Have you taken time to be thankful for God’s creation and the beauty that surrounds us? I know that I have not made time to admire the view!