Simple womans daybook

 For Today…July 6, 2009 Outside my window… Sunshine…Blessed
sunshine I am thinking… a beautiful and PEACEFUL morning is so hard
to come by these days. I am soaking up every minute of it! From the
learning rooms… NOTHING! I am thankful for… a great husband who is
growing in his walk…I am so thanful that he is NOT one of those men
that thinks because he is a pastor he has it all figured out and that he
has arrived From the kitchen… hopefully some yummy cookies, bread
from the new bread machine and whatever i choose for dinner I am
wearing… pinkie purple satiny PJ’s hair back and bare feet! I am
reading… Prayer by Philip Yancey, Disciplines of the Home by Anne
Ortlund and A Beth Moore Bible Study…Along with various Bible passages
having to do with fear… I am hoping… to accomplish a big surprise
for hubby while he is away this morning I am creating… a cool
surprise for hubby while he takes Tornado for some medical tests…It
promises to be fun and I will have lady bugs help!!! I am praying…
for Tornado’s tests to be fine and for strength and courage for my
hubby as he faces what seems like an impossible task…Shepherding a
flock of sinners!…It’s only impossible without God. And we have a
great flock! Around the house… learning VBS tunes….Kitchen work.
craft room is disrepair and various other sundry things! One of my
favorite things… my garden as it grows….GRASS and all! A few plans
for the rest of the week… Hmm I have learned as a pastor’s wife..No
plans make for an easier time when plans get changed….it doesn’t mean I
don’t have A PLAN! Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you…  Litt weasel.JPG