Programmed to Fear

Normally on Sundays I put up the Be Still Sundays badge or I just don’t
blog but I was convicted this morning as I sat in Church. (I love
when that Happens because hubby is the PASTOR!) But I found myself
squirming a little as he spoke about how our country is been and ill be
in the future. But I have been programmed to become uncomfortable when
things that are true are said yo start to FEAR what might happen.
Somethings that have been threatened to churches in the past is that
they might loose their tax free status. That is huge for a church
because then a church becomes a business and most churches cannot afford
those kinds of taxes. But then I began to think on a much smaller
scale…. My home I have been programmed to fear what goes on in my
home too. Such as the form of discipline that I choose to use with my
children. The result: FEAR of loosing my children to a sometimes
brutal system when in reality my home was WAY MORE LOVING! So here is
what I am going to do about this fear! I have a plan. I am going to
study fear in the Bible. I am going to use the concordance and EVERY
day I am going to post one verse and we’ll talk about it! So together
we can learn what kind of role it SHOULD play in our every day lives
and I hardly think it is the way i have been applying it! Just a few
thoughts!Have a great Sunday!