You know it’s funny how we as Christians get worried about what unsaved
people think. This is so true that I found myself sitting in church
last Sunday evening listening to my husband speaking about the
crucifixion of Christ on the Cross when I noticed a woman I have never
seen before with her young daughter–probably a tween ! Hubby’s message
was talking about rhe terribleness of all that Christ had to go
through-His sacrice for us–afterall it was communion Sunday at our
church! When I noticed that woman and her daughter sitting there I
began to think to myself-“oh my I hope she is not offened, I hope she
understands ” I shocked myself I stopped and thought “no she should be
shocked-she should be apalled and then she should be moved to accept
that sacrifice that Jesus made for us” I have no idea who that woman
was. I have no idea if I will ever see her or her daughter again! But I
know that they heard the gospel as plain as day and that my hubby did
an amazing job communicating the horrific sacrifice Christ was willing
to make for us. I have no idea why I have gotten to trhat position of
worrying aabout what unbelievers think of my faith but but from this
point on I want those who are unbelievers to be uncomfortable, to be
shocked and dismayed at the way Christ was treated and be open to let
the Bible’s truthes sink in. If you get offened that too bad because
it’s you who is not letting God work in your heart Not me. If I don’t
share my faith with you because I fear offending you then that is my