My Head is Spinning….

and spinning and spinning and it is not because of my concussions I gave myself Last week!

my week has been in short NUTS!  I have a lot to do and a VERY short time in which to do it in.

Lets take a look see at what my week Looks like on my calendar

It all Started on Tuesday.
Tuesday...More phone calls and visits than normal…No biggie right NO PROBLEM
Dryder Dies …Not too big of a deal there is another in the garage. Called to fill in for Cubbies leader who got the flu No big deal.  Youth leader and his family coming for dinner and church chat it chat…No biggie..OH WAIT Crock pot took forever cooking dinner Dinner isn’t done…Now I am getting flustered .  Okay baked the meat to finish cooking it..Won’t shred GRR.  Night over…
WEDNESDAY– prayer meeting a relatively quite day
THURSDAY– AWANA -fill in for leader…..could have anywhere from 13-16 cubbies..Two of them my own!  No problem…
FRIDAY – AM dentist Appointment (Have I ever mentioned I HATE DENTISTS)  That is more than a bit stressful for me…Then Friday PM we have the young Adults meeting.
SATURDAY–   AM Women’s Breakfast...Saturday PM Our Gym night with our YG where we are expecting around 120 kids from a lot of area churches!  Hubby and I both go and help out in various ways and I have to make sandwiches for them .
SUNDAY AM-Church…may have to teach Sunday school for women’s class  But hoping the the teacher is feeling better SUNDAY AFTERNOON Our churches first attempt at GUESS WHO”S COMING TO DINNER- we are one of the hosts. So our house will be full of people.

Now that’s what my week should have looked like before this morning at approximately 3 am when the weasel woke us up to the sound of throwing up….YEAH that’s right throwing Up  So what does that mean for my week at this point I am not really sure…I do have a feeling it means a lot more vomit since the other three  kids  hubby and myself have not had this little gem yet.

And through all of this I am reminded of one thing…no matter what happens in my week I have someone who is in complete control and it’s NOT ME@  It’s not my husband and it’s not my kids.  Nothing comes as a surprise to God…and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.  This morning a friend  wrote this little tidbit on a  FB discussion.  I jumped into…


Everyone in this world who believes in a higher power in this world believes that their way is the only way..their god is the one and only. I have respect for ppls faith..but I just don’t believe in anything. I don’t have the answers to lif…e..but I cannot believe in something that is not tangible.. I think faith is a way to cope with life..a promise of something better to come..but who knows what happens after? No one.. I know where I’m at now. I think when we die at peace..that’s the end. We don’t live on..perhaps ppl who die restless continue on..but to me when I croak I die with my body..and that’s enough for me.

You  are mostly right my friend….coping yes .  However..Faith does not help you cope.  CHRIST does.  Other “faiths” have a checklist of things you must attain before you get anywhere…All that is required of us is to have a ongoing relationship with Christ.  We must accept his free gift of salvation!  Without that we as sinful creatures tend to cope in many different ways most f them terribly wrong..Like drugs alcohol, sex, internet Tv food, and the list goes on.  I am not saying that the internet and food and TV are all bad BUT when you use these things as coping mechanisms they go very wrong.  As for being at peace.  Drowning yourself in any of these things  to cope…Or as the case may be feel as though you are in “control” doesn’t make you feel at peace.  It drives you deeper into restleassness.  It’s only when you give the situations over to God and say …Your will not mine Do we find TRUE peace….And you have NO regrets..because you were not nearly as in control as you once thought.  As for tangible.  I see evidence of God all around me.  I may not be able to see him or hear Him or Touch Him.  But I do see his work.  i see his answer to prayers…Impossible things that just are not happenstance.  Things that are clearly beyond peoples control and yet God hears and answers..OR comforts in amazing ways.  God provides what we need when we need it.  I haea  church full of testimonies that maybe one or two you could dismiss as coincidence BUT what about 50 or a hundred.  ye that many…. you just have to be willing to acept…

Now all of this comes on the cuff of watching some amazing friends go through some very tough things.  We have friends right now who we went to college with.  they have a five year old daughter .  The hubby was diagnosed with non hodgekins lymphoma.   He just underwent a stem cell tansplant.  He is not doing well at all BUT despite all of their trials THEY AREN”T just coping…Coping means just getting by or getting through something.  As of the updates last night the hubby has not woken up yet from this new surgery…and his blood pressure and heart rate go crazy every time they try to wake him up and yet they are not angry at God this is how they view their circumstancews 

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We know that God can use this to accomplish much for His glory. We don’t want to waste this opportunity God has given us. It’s so comforting going into this knowing we have an army of prayer warriors
with us!

And amazing they want God to be glorified….yes they want him to get better But they have given it to God.  Our life as a family right now is insane as you can see from the above but as I look at the two sets of friends comments I am faced with a decision.  A I pondered the two this morning I realized I have a Choice I big Choice as does everyone else.  The answer we have chosen for our family is this and it is simply taken from the end of the book of Joshua  It says “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”    I will continue to share the gospel in my home, in my church , in my community, on facebook and here on my blog.  I will continue to stand for truth as long as I am allowed to….and when they talk this venue away from me i will scream it from the roof tops.  It’s interesting  though from the end of Joshua to the end of the very next book Judges….”And all f Israel did what was right in their own eyes.”  May i  always use the Bible as my measuring stick and not what I and the world around me thinks what is right!