I take great pleasure in……,

Many things in life give me great joy! Like birds, singing, flowers blooming, rainbows stretching across the sky as I walk barefoot across newly rain soaked grass, my kids giggling, my husband kissing me on the cheek or forehead, or hearing coyotes howling in the distant farmers fields. And the list goes on and on! But there is something that seems to warm my heart more these days. That is watching my two youngest sleeping during nap time. They are so peaceful. Especially weasel. As we have watched him and learned more about his and his Aspergers. One thing we have noticed is that he feels pain in certain ways far greater than most people. And it seems as though every couple of weeks there is this battle his body goes through. At first thought my dear hubby and I said to each other that he just seems to be over reacting. We have tried calming techniques of breathing, counting and so on but to no avail!

There is nothing more frustrating than watching your child suffer through pain and not be able to help them. I have prayed long and hard about how to help him not get so stressed but God allowed me to witness something. I witnessed him sleeping. We’re talking sound asleep dead to the world type of sleep! And all of a sudden his little body tensed, he started to shake,, and he gave a little moan just as he did when he was awake. He wasn’t just psyching himself up over fear of this pain it was real. Oh my poor little guy!

And as I saw this I thanked God for showing me! Not just this but He reminded me just how important it is to be students of my children! They are all so different, all with their own difficulties and yet all of them so amazing! They might have similarities to my husband or I, but they most certainly see their world in Tornado, Ladybug, weasel, and Little Bean colored glasses! And if I take the time to look at the world they do, it’s a pretty amazing place! I am so glad I have them to show it to me!

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