Hope for the Weary Mom-Week 6

WEEK 6 when the words are slow to come.

I think we’ve all been there. For me it is most certainly the noise level and as a mom of three boys, there most certainly is A LOT of noise…..and i usually end it with a very loud ENOUGH! That could be heard down the road!

That is one thing that drives me nuts but the other….is whining…..i DETEST IT.

And God tests me with it every day! I used to tease, before i was a mom i prayed for patience, then God gave Us Tornado and i stopped praying for patience! Tornado has matured greatly since i made that statement nearly 6 1/2 years ago!

One of the things tornado loved to do was pull every book on ALL the bookshelves off…now note we have a TON of books and tornado and his sister are 14 months apart so i was VERY pregnant when he went through this stage! And then two of them when i had our next 16 months after ladybug( it was by no means my plan). My patience has been tried many times everyday for the last 7 1/2 years.and yes i have said somethings i regret! But yet this weary mom does have hope!

I now have four kids ages 7,6,5 and almost 3…..thats four kids in 5 years! Of course i am weary. On top of all of this i have a specials needs child, which is a relatively new discovery! And that tries me more than anything I have ever done in my life!

The only thing that holds this all together is my relationship with Christ. It isn’t where i want it to be, i’m not sure it ever will( i have pretty high expectations and goals). But just as all the authors have already said this week, God’s word is what we need to accomplish our calling. I need to rely on Him more and call out to Him for His help in times of stress!

The words of one of my professors from college echoes in my head…
“You can’t give them what you don’t have.”

How true…..

For more on Hope for the Weary Mom visit them @ Hope for the Weary Mom.com

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