Hope for the Weary Mom- Week 5

First off I’d like to say…..YAHOOOOOOOO! I played catch up all week and now as of this post I am ALL caught up!

So as i read this chapter, I was reminded of another book that made me crack up….and made me cry! It’s called “Mommy’s Locked In The Bathroom.” True confession…..I’ve done it…i have locked myself in the bathroom. To cry, to laugh (at something that was hilarious and yet so very naughty at the same time), to scream, to kiss my hubby! I never said I was by myself! Anyway we all need those times to escape…..those times as of late seem to be getting closer and closer together!

We have four kids, we believe kids are a blessing and are so thankful to have them! They are (at this moment) 7.6.5 and almost 3. Get the picture. Three of them might as well have been triplets when # 3 came along! Three in diapers! Tornado was a little over 2 when weasel joined the family. Weasel was so easy though, he hardly made a sound. I had to set a timer when it was his feeding time…he rarely cried for food let alone for anything else. Our Dr said he will let you know! Nope! I had to check on him often, he wouldn’t cry when he woke up either he would just lay there! He didn’t talk well until he was nearly three. Little Bean joined us two and a half years later! I think that’s when it truly got overwhelming. Not because there were four but because of health issues with the two younger ones, and church, and school …..it seemed to never slow down. I remember being in the hospital with little bean when he was born and saying….ahhhhh peace and quiet. It was the first time I enjoyed the hospital stay!

Looking back i see all the signs of autism…hind sight is 20/20 you know. At that point he was just a “very easy baby” but as the years have gone by i have found the need for escape more necessary….that is until I read this chapter. This chapter was artfully written. How many times do I cry out to God for help, but never “get the chance” to read the instruction manual?

My goal for the remainder of this study (in hopes of making it a habit) is to every time I cry out to God for help is to read a Psalm.
Will you join me?

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