Hope For the Weary Mom- Playing catch up Week 4

From the fall of 2010 until December of 2011 was what I had come to refer to as the year of death. NO JOKE! Within a month both an aunt and an uncle on my dad’s side of the family passed away. About two months later two friend within a week of each other lost their battles with cancer. Then a friend from my husbands childhood committed suicide. Then another aunt. (Same side as before). A friend lost the baby she was carrying to a devastating disease. Another friend lost her battle with cancer and then…..a week later my grandmother was diagnosed with advanced cancer, and was gone a little more than a month later….the week before Christmas!

That was one tough year and i would definitely say I was in the same place as the author…..wondering what was going to happen next. There were other major trials that year too. It was all in all a very emotional year as we prayed for family and friends health and time and again it just was not what God had planned! It’s hard to stomach God’s plans sometimes, especially when they don’t match my perfect plans ( note heavy sarcasm). My plans are selfish! They are centered on what’s better for me!

Just as post two talked about this week as well we sometimes have to mourn the loss of our ideals and dreams when something happens to a child. As we embark on this journey of Aspergers with our 5 year old son, I had to say goodbye to some of the normal things our other kids have experienced. I am not by any means saying my son can’t grow to live a normal life as an adult ,but it will be a very long taxing road until then. It will take far more work, and since he is a runner, we have to be on our guard 24/7!

We never struggle the same way…..so i didn’t struggle the same as others, but it was definitely a dark time, but God rescued me just like He will rescue you!

For more posts check out Hope for the Weary Mom!

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