Hello Friends and Hello 2022! what an end to 2021- What started as a week long break in the middle of November quickly spread through the New Year! It wasn’t my plan but it was necessary! After blogging for 100 days I needed a break and some time with t family. She have been extremely busy and there are some announcements spread throughout todays post! We are beginning an exciting journey and we hope that you will come along for the ride!
Let’s get into todays post!
:::: The Weather ::::
Today is the coldest day of the week at a whopping 17 degrees! But the rest of the days will be up in the mid 30’s for the most of it
:::: How I am feeling this morning ::::
This morning was a whirlwind. Hubby and our oldest son had to fix one of the brakes on our truck (it failed when they were out and about yesterday). I am so thankful that there was no troubles other than the brake not working. Then it was off to the hospital for my 4th IVIG infusion.
:::: On the breakfast plate ::::
I had a bagel and cream cheese before I left for the hospital so I could take my vitamins (which I forgot UGH). And then I had bacon, yogurt and egg and cheese omelette after the infusion started.
:::: On my reading pile ::::
I have a few books I am finishing up before I start on thee 2022 reading list. Stay tuned for the first few books, in the near future.
But for now I am finishing
- Get Out of Your Head
- Hello Fears
- 365 Ways to Save Time
- LisettesList
Not to mention my Bible. I am going to read through the New Testament this year. One Chapter a day.
:::: On my TV ::::
Currently yje Tv Show from the 80’s Different Strokes
:::: On the menu this week ::::
I must confess I don’t have a menu set up for this week it is on my list of things to do for today
Monday – Burgers and fries and veggies (hubby and Had salads from one of our favorite local places as a celebration. Tuesday – Baked Chicken with mashed Potatoes and Gravy and broccoli. Wednesday -Pasta. Thursday – Soup of some sort. Friday – no blessed idea.
:::: From the camera ::::
We have been keeping a secret!!!!!

:::: Looking around the house ::::
BOXES UPON BOXES UPON BOXES- we are in the slow process of packing and downsizing for a move. Thankfully it’s not a far move . We have gone under contract with a house and are excited bout the possibilities ahead of us!
:::: To do List ::::
- Downsize
- pack
- downsize
- Pack
- pack
- Pack
- Downsize some more…..
- oh and undecorated from Christmas
:::: Something fun to share ::::
Oh man…..I don’t really have anything right now.
:::: Today’s devotional ::::
1 Peter 5:10 NLT
10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
What a promise! When we suffer for a little while (because in light of eternity it is really a “little while) He (God) will restore, support and strengthen you….me….I don’t know about you BUT I NEED this reminder.
Thank you so much for doing me today! For more Happy Homemaker posts you can visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.