Happy Homemaker Monday- February 25 2013

The Weather:::
Gloomy but no snow! Snow is still on the ground but temps are warmer!

Right now I am::
Watching two little boys sleep peacefully!

Wishing i could see the future but in reality glad that I can’t! Life is a struggle sometimes and even one day at a time seems overwhelming. And yet with each breath God reminds me He will never leave me or forsake me. And my husband is there to remind me that there is nothing that I can say or do to make him not love me!

On my reading pile:::
My bible
Hope for the weary mom
Just like Jesus

On my tv:::

Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::

Something fun to share:::
This is tornado but it certainly does look like little bean! He was nearly a year old and now he is nearly 8. Oh how time flies!

On the menu for this week::
Monday-chicken and biscuits
Tuesday- soup
Wednesday-easy mac and cheese…not instant just easy!
Thursday- ravioli
Saturday-crockpot something or another

On my to do list:::
Deep clean my kitchen top to bottom!
Kids rooms deep cleaned

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Hot pads
Dolls clothes
2 sets of curtains

One of the biggest money savers, i used to do and am starting again is making my own mixes. With the option of Pinterest there is a whole new world at my fingertips and my two cook books based on making mixes!

Looking around the house:::
Kitchen is a disaster but that happens while I clean out cupboards!
Living room cloths to be sent to my sister in law in Florida
Newly shampooed carpets in most of the living room and playroom
Clothes to be folded and put away!

From the camera:::

On my prayer list:::
Church family

Bible verse, Devotional:::
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness will be added unto you!

Such a great reminder! Sometimes we have to let things go in order to be able to pursue God the way He wants us to! Whether it be relationships, things, fear, or our own wants and desires.

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad