Happy Homemaker Monday- Exhausted


Have You ever hit what feels like a rock wall?   I’m not sick. Just Tired.  Mentally tired and spiritually broken.  And it is not because I’m” not in God’s word”.    I know that’s what everyone’s answer is, but that’s not the reason, nor the fix.   I can tell you what the issue is- PEOPLE! But not in a bad way.   It’s called being burdened.   And it is rough because I can’t do anything about any of it.  Moment by moment I have to give it back to God.  I CANNOT and SHOULD NOT  hold on to it, but if I am honest, it’s hard not to, because I love them.

The greatest burden of all? Watching believers (or those who say they are) reject God’s word and choose their own way over the way that they claim to hold so dear.  You know the one that was most devastating to me, was someone I looked up to.  And that person fell flat on their face off the pedestal we all put them on.  Now you can try to play guessing games but the reality is That person didn’t belong in that place, to begin with, JESUS DID!  Humans are sinners.  we make the wrong choices. We let people down.  I am sure I will let a bunch down this week.  BUT it’s hard watching people fall, especially those who are closest to us and those we care about- and even harder is when they don’t want help back up. And that creates a whole different version of exhausted.


The weather outside is::::

COLD though we did have some glorious moments of sunshine!  A glimpse of hope that spring is right around the corner

On the breakfast plate this morning::::

everything bagel with garden veggie cream cheese

As I look outside my window:::

Snow on the ground, bare trees gray skies- WELCOME TO NY

Right now I am::::

trying to write a letter to our youngest son who is Student of the Week in his class

As I look around the house::::

It’s getting a lot better.  There are still glimpses of crazy schedules and me being sick two weeks ago!

  On today’s to-do list::::

OHHHHH I’m so excited I have a project almost ready for a friend.

Dishes and Laundry

I have to sort boys clothes  x3

Phone calls

general tidying up

Take a nap

Currently reading::::

Hopes and Dreams -my first fiction book in about 6 years (Outside of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle which I read with the boys before school each morning)


Purpose Driven Life

On the TV today::::

whatever hubby has been listening to as he works

On the menu this week::::

I must confess I haven’t gotten this far yet this week-tomorrow it’s top on my list!

Monday – Tater tot casserole

Tuesday – 

Wednesday –

Thursday –

Friday – 

Saturday – 

Sunday –

What I am creating at the moment::::

I have some super secret Cricut projects and a super secret sewing project and I am working on my sketching abilities. I have some upcoming painting ideas but I want to nail down some sketching things first

Favorite photo from the camera::::

I had this printed off for our youngest today for the Student of the week. Next month he turns 9  How time flies


Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

Joshua 1:8

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

(In all seriousness I am not making this up!  My struggles listed up above and I just opened my devotional for today and THAT is the verse.  It is just a reminder for me to keep moving forward!  To keep my focus on God’s word to teach what it says NOT what I think it says or what it means to me.   It doesn’t matter what it means to me It matters What God meant when he had the writers write it!  I think as I get in deeper in ministry-and trust me I’m in deep the burdens get heavier but I grow closer to God through them.

For more Happy Homemaker posts check out Diary of a Stay at Home  Mom.