Happy Homemaker Monday 2-18-2013

The Weather:::

Right now I am:
Watching the sunset as I type!

That life hurts sometimes but there is so much to be grateful for!

On my reading pile:::
Hope for the weary mom
Just Like Jesus

On my tv:::
Once upon a time

Favorite Blog post this week (mine or other):::

Something fun to share:::
This is my 4 and a 1/2 foot (yes i typed tat right) bear hubby got me for valentines day! The chair he is sitting in hubby and I sit in together!

On the menu for this week::
tuesday- chicken noodle soup
Wednesday- crockpot manicotti
Thursday- burgers and tater tots
Friday- pizza
Saturday- pulled pork
Sunday- out

On my to do list:::
Freezer meals
Mixes made
Finish up a bunch of projects
Restore my house to normal working order (its close)

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Doll clothes,
baby blanket
Pot holders

Lists! Make lots of lists

Looking around the house:::
Most of our little people are asleep still. They took a late nap! Hubby is working on a Greek Diagramming project and me…i am recovering from a major sinus headache earlier

From the camera:::

On my prayer list:::
Church family

Bible verse, Devotional:::
So many times in life we hold all of the mistakes our loved ones make from in the past over their heads. I am so very grateful that God doesn’t do that to us. His grace is greater than All my sins! I should bestow this same grace to all those around me! They aren’t perfect and neither am I. (These are my personal thoughts after reading Chapter one of Max Lucado’s book Just Like Jesus)

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad