Giving Grace Doesn’t Mean They Get Away With Murder

Grace is giving someone something they don’t deserve…..not all too far removed but still very different than Mercy which is Not giving someone what they deserve. Do you see the difference?

Grace is something that Jesus exemplified right until his death when He uttered “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34 (ESV)

Even the thief next to him on the cross received grace. He knew what he had done was sin, understood who Christ was asked for Grace and it was extended to him when jesus said “today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

Did that mean that the robber would no longer suffer the consequences of his sin? Not a chance. He still died that horrible death on the cross. Far worse than anything I can even imagine.

There are so many instances of Grace exemplified by Jesus even before His death. There were tax Collectors, harlots, accusers, the mob, his disciples (yes they of all the rest seemed to need FAR. More grace than all the others).

I am no different and neither are my children. Let me start off by saying this, we could learn a lesson or two from kids, they are just chock full of grace! But we as parents (and even non-parents) can sometimes come down hard on those same grace filled kids! It really is very sad. I have found myself on more than one occasion set to discipline a child for something that had nothing more than the purest intentions. I have pretty sweet kids. But sometimes they just go about being thoughtful in the wrong way. So I have two choices, i can come down hard on them and say….”you broke a house rule, i don’t care why, you will have to do this……” Or before i get to crazy I can stop and listen. Just by stopping and listening shows an amazing amount of grace. Sometimes as parents hubby and I need to do just that. Does that mean by doing so that our kids get away with something though? NOPE. By slowing down though it gives us more opportunities to teach and train, and by doing so we are also teaching and training them how to handle others as well.

One of the hardest things to do is to try to understand the motives of your child. Only God truly understands ones motives but as parents we must become students of our children. Understanding every little thing about them and what drives them to do what they do (just another way we as parents depict Father God to our children). This is why children who have been abused by their parents have such a hard time picturing God as the loving Father that he is. This can be exceptionally hard in counseling sessions and church settings.

When you stop and listen you learn so much. A child’s heart is something that is so pure. Despite all of Jesus’ exhaustion He took time for the children. He saw the importance of time on a child’s life. He laid the groundwork for the grace they so desperately needed. I often wonder what kind of impact that moment had on the lives of those children.

There is a saying that is uttered in our house often, ” there isn’t anything you could say or do to ever make me stop loving you.” We want our children to know that our love is not dependent on their performance in life.” They will make wrong decisions and Will have to suffer the consequences. They will say hurtful things and will apologize. Trust will be broken. But no matter what I will love them…and they hopefully never question that (though I am human too)

God’s love isn’t dependent on me being good. i am obedient to God because I love Him. Love and grace though no the same go hand in hand. God is gracious because he loves me. I should be gracious to my children AND to all those around me because I love God. And i follow his commandments….and he commands me to love my neighbor and my enemy!
Its hard to do when someone hurts you but how else will they ever see the love of God? Grace is not synonymous with trust. Grace is giving someone what they don’t deserve, they might deserve what they did you in the first place. Grace is not giving it to them! Love them instead, give them kindness instead.
Live a grace filled life….it’s contagious!

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