Getting Our Kitchen Under Control

Some women love shoes….clothes….knick knacks……art.
Some people call them fetiches.
Some people call them Collections.
I call them….things.

I have a thing for…..
Matter of fact there are three.
PJ’s (the softer and comfier….the better)
Bags…not necessarily purses ( i really have to be careful when 31 gifts is involved)

I am a writer for Pete’s sake! That is a lot of how I organize our lives as a Family. I have notebooks for nearly everything. My husband often asks how I can keep them all straight. My answer is…”i just can!”

My absolute favorite notebook is the white three ring binder that has a clear plastic cover that i can insert my own custom cover.
Way back in high school/college that consisted of a clipart laden printout but today has morphed into what I truly like. My style. Distressed. Old looking. Pretty. It’s unique.

My hope is to complete a set of these to house our home organization. I have mostly completed our kitchen one.

It consists of my creativity and free printables! And one of those white three ring binders!

This is my cover.
Paper ink, stickers ink, glue, colored pencils and a blending pen. The old paper look is hand done by me in literally under a minute!

But as much as I love being creative i also love being organized and knowing what I have!

So that led me to search out some options in keeping a kitchen inventory….and I just adore what I found.

You can find inventory printables

I have inventory sheets for my pantry, freezer, and household items.

In this notebook i also have my menus for the year. Yes year. I am in the process of taking notes and adding new recipes which i will change at the end of this year. This is huge for us because their are just some nights where i am exhausted on so many levels and this takes the thinking out of it!

My hope in the next few months is to implement some freezer cooking as well i have started collecting recipes for things i already make that are “freezer friendly”. Which will in the end become a part of our freezer inventory!

One of the other things that i have started again is making our own mixes.
There are some fantastic recipes floating around out there to help you make healthier choices for your family.

And lastly i have what I call a hospitality calendar. It helps us keep track of all of our events that we have people over for. We TRY to have everyone from our church over for dinner in a year, two open house, a deacon’s Christmas Party, a New Year’s Eve game night night and anything else that might happen
. It helps me not to repeat meals either!

I also have a small sized 3 ring binder that houses the dietary needs of everyone that comes into our home. If so and so is gluten free then that’s in the smaller notebook under their name. If so and so doesn’t like pickled herring…..then that’s there too….(not that I would EVER serve that…ewww!)

My next notebook in the works is my garden notebook! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks i will be able to share that with you all as well!
Hopefully i have sparked some inspiration in you!
Happy creating, organizing, and planning!
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