Fear 101

After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram
in a vision, saying, ‘FEAR not Abram; I am thy shield, and they
exceeding great reward.

Well I must tell you that it
is interesting the things that I have realized already….Abram was
having a discussion with God and God starts off this discussion with
“Fear Not” As a kid I was taught to fear God and yet…that was not
WHOLLY correct I was taught to have fear and trembling so to
speak….be on pins and needles. Not so. Not so at all. As long as
you are obeying God’s word (and I mean ALL of it) than you have NOTHING
to fear. Maybe I am getting ahead of where I actually am. As long as
you are where God wants you…you will be protected and rewarded. Not
to say that everything is all hunky dory all the time. Don’t forget we
live in a fallen world and when you are surrounded by a world full of
sinners sometimes we have to reap their consequences too. Unfait you
might say well I find it much better than spending Eternity in hell
…How about you!?!