Dear Weary Mom, You Really Aren’t Alone!

I find it funny that in my darkest of moments I can convince myself of anything!

And the biggest lie of it all is….”no one understands or cares enough to understand what I am going through”

That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

First off God understands!   He loves us and cares for us.  He wants us to come running to him.  But we (and I mean I) dismiss that, because God isn’t …whatever ( insert your own excuse)!

I mean people Mary!

Ok so, i have an (as in 1) autistic child.   In a crowd full of parents of “Normal” kids….i feel pretty alone.  But what I don’t realize is that the mom who looks like she has it all together is feeling all alone because her husband just  left her.

And that woman in the corner who is chatting boisterously is feeling alone because both of her parents were killed in a car accident.

And the new mom at the table cuddling her infant son is feeling alone in her post pardem depression and lack of sleep!

That alone feeling strikes us all at various times in our lives and yet whether it’s embarrassment, or pride, or fear OR all of the above, we chose to hide it…..deep in those dark recesses of our hearts!

I want to challenge you to open up. Tell someone.  Ask God to give you courage and strength!   And share how you feel.  You can share with your best friend, your spouse, your mom, OR as I choose to, here on my blog.  Transparency helps others, and it helps you

I highly recommend it!

For more Dear Weary mom posts visit Hope For the Weary Mom!