Book Review:Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine

Book Review: Say Goodbye To Survival Mode By Crystal Paine

Do you live in survival mode?
You know where you never can get quite enough done. You are running from one place to the next, and doing lots of great things, and yet at the end of the day feeling as though you have accomplished next to nothing. Your exhaustion level is through the roof, and there most certainly cannot be enough hours in the day!.

I know exactly where you are.

As a mom of four, a Pastor’s wife and all the normal day to day stuff….I was living the above every single day! I went through this routine every year of setting goals but rarely accomplished them…mostly because I didn’t know or understand the rest of the process.

On a regular basis…literally every few minutes some days, my schedule/routine needs to change. Whether it’s an emergency my husband needs to take care of or unexpected issues with our autistic son. But our life is no different from yours! You have things too. Stomach bugs, broken arms, a death of a loved one. Work problems, washers and dryers that give up the ghost OR AS OF LATE FROZEN PIPES THAT YIELD LITTLE TO NO WATER,

After Reading Crystal’s Book at the beginning of this year, I realized that I had been approaching things only partially the way I should have been! Already in the two weeks, I have put these very simple ideas into practice, and what a huge difference!

The great thing I love about all of Crystals books and her blog MONEYSAVINGMOM.COM, is that everything is in small bite sized pieces. They are doable and VERY much attainable. As I head into 2014, I am not overwhelmed…I am excited!

Despite the fact that my routine or plans may change a bazillion times during the day, I have found that having a routine set and followed both before the kids AND hubby wake up in the morning and after the kids go to bed at night has really helped with the changed in between!

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from the book!

Go check out her book!

I highly recommend it…..even if you are a highly organized person, you can still  gain wisdom from Crystal highly transparent book, and then share it with a friend!

And go check out her website