Book Review: just Like Jesus by Max Lucado

Just Like Jesus is a book that challenges it readers to live just as the title says, Just Like Jesus! Jam packed with practical applications and life changing challenges Max Lucado really does take the bull by the horns and pulls no punches.

I was so very impressed by this book. I was not shocked though! From his Wemmick books to Just Like Jesus Max Lucado writes with such amazing talent.
One of my favorite chapters in the book is all about dwelling with God, being in constant communication with God. This chapter challenged me deeply (as did almost every other chapter) and spoke to every part of who I am! I need to be dwelling with and talking to God at every possible chance! Our minds get going on negative things and before we know it we traveling down a path of bitterness. However if we are constantly checking in with God and asking him what he thinks (and actually pausing long enough to listen) we will grown immensely!

I highly recommend this book for both new and veteran believers! I give it five stars and it is DEFINITELY worth reading again and again! ( i rarely if ever say that!)

(NOTE: i received a complimentary ebook version of this book from Booksneeze and I am in no way obligated to give it a positive review.)
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