Back to the Land of the Living

Hi all! Have you ever been told, “you look like death warmed over?”

Well last week i FELT like death warmed over! We spent last Saturday out and about shopping and so on. We had stopped somewhere for a quick bite to eat. We got home and I was tired a laid down for only a few minutes, did some laundry and finished the cushions for our wicker furniture. Hubby made an incredible dinner which I scarfed down and went back to hand stitching the cushions closed after I stuffed the full of fluff! Then we moved upstairs to bed.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling absolutely horrible. My stomach was a mess. Was it the fast food? I remembered telling hubby it tasted a little off. I hopped into the shower to get ready for church (it was mothers day after all.). By the end of my shower i had gotten soooo overheated I got sick. I took my temp…normal. My stomach still hurt…and i mean hurt……so now the big question…church or no church.

Church…..i had to teach Sunday School! The reasons to not miss church far outweighed staying home. After all it was just something I had eaten …..right?

Well i was miserable all through church, i missed my husbands sermon, and i tried to focus on things at hand but I most definitely fell short! So after everyone had left hubby and I headed home and I was sent directly to bed….passing up the pizza spread hubby had promised and prepared for the young’ins….

I stayed in bed all day Sunday, Monday rolled around and felt still worse. Hubby was up at 6 sending two munchkins off to school. I could barely get up to go to the bathroom which was growing far too frequent. I couldn’t keep anything down for more than a few minutes….this went on for three whole days.

Monday night early Tuesday morning he awoke to our almost 8 year old son standing my our bed. “I’m sick”, were his only words. Pretty much the rest of the week is one large hazy blur as my head vibrated with sounds of daily life downstairs going on without me and Tornado. Thankfully tornado never got as bad as i had. And neither did weasel when he joined us on Thursday morning early.

People called to check on me but phone calls were short as my head just shook under its dehydrated state and I found myself in a quandary. I found myself with a head spinning due to the inability to keep food or drink down, and i would sit up to drink and my head would spin as i drank , i would get sea sick and then try to lay down quick enough before i got sick from the room moving. I couldn’t win.

Thankfully there is this magic stuff called gatorade and by Thursday i was able to drink enough to allow me to stay upright for short stints. By Friday I was eating Pizza and i was able to celebrate hubby’s birthday with our family on Saturday.

Yeah my mothers day may not have been the ideal and no neither was the entire week after that but in all of the sickness my house didn’t fall apart, everyone was taken care of and fed well, i was taken care of, i was able to rest as much as i needed, and i was encouraged to do so. Those in and of the,selves made last week the best mothers day a mom could ask for. I am so blessed to have such a competent caring hubby and such caring children!

I look forward to being back this week with you call!

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