Aspire: A Word a Day 10-2-2019


Happy Tuesday everyone!! Today we are going to talk about the word ASPIRE! defines it as to direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.

As I thought about this I began to ask myself what I aspire to be or achieve. Have you ever thought about that for a serious amount of time? I’m not just talking about off the cuff. I have a friend who jokes about aspiring to be a unicorn. I’m not talking about that I mean seriously aspiring to something worthwhile.

Here are my aspirations

  • I want to be a world-changer for Jesus. And that starts right here in my home. Then it extends to my church family and the kids hubby and I work with , in Youth Group and then it moves from there to the Crisis Pregnancy center I volunteer at and then to here my blog. My own tiny piece of the internet . It’s through my words and actions that I bear the truth of the one who I belong to.
  • I want to be the best wife I can be for Hubby.
  • I want to be the best mom for T,K,J &S
  • I aspire to paint and to learn to paint. Not professionally just as a stress relieving hobby. Really it is about becoming the best artist I can become. (I do NOT aspire to be a professional )
  • I aspire to write a book. one day- or I guess more realisitically would be to publish a book since I am in the middle of writing said book….YEAH I just said tha!
  • To be the best wife of a pastor God has called me to be. I don’t aspire to be a people pleaser. I aspire to speak truth not to tickle ears.

When It comes right down to it it’s not about WHAT I aspire to do BUT how I do it. No Matter what I aspire to do I want to do it to the best of my ability and to bring glory to God in the process.

How about you what do you aspire to do? Let me know in the comments below!
