A Letter to My Best Friend

My dearest R—–
Today marks a truly special milestone. From right now 6 am I woke a very happy young lady, matter of fact I hardly slept the night before in such anticipation. This day 10 years ago I was blessed beyond measure! I had two amazing milestones. We graduated college together and then what seemed like an eternity later i walked down the aisle in a white gown and become your bride.

Oh how blessed I am dear to call you my husband. The trials that are thrown our way have done nothing but make us stronger. Thank you for encouraging me to step out and try new things and to push myself above and beyond what I one thought possible.

Thank you for embracing who I am and loving both for it and in spite of it!

I am so proud of you as you have grown into an even stronger man of God. I marvel at your abilities and you strength. I love watching you interact with our children and I love spying on you as you work, whether in your office or in the yard or in the playroom cuddling with our children.

You make me smile like no other person has ever made me do so before.

There have been some very rough times but my dear you can always know I will fight for us. We will fight together as the team God has created in us. It is with you alone I wish to grow old with and share my joys and my sufferings.

You complete me.

Thank you for being confident in me and trusting me. Thank you for your gentleness and kindness, your sweetness and your playfulness, thank you for being faithful.

I love you more each and everyday and I count it such a blessing to have been your wife for the last 10 years…..a decade devoted to you and our children. I wouldn’t change it for the world and I hope to have many more decades to come.

I love you so much,
Happy Anniversary my dear husband
Love always,

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad