Thankful Thursday- I’m back

Wow it has been a while since I have written a thankful Thursday…Or any post for that matter.

I am so thankful for so many things BUT what am I most thankful for today?


About 4 or so months ago our family was having dinner with another family.

The family said that they knew of people who were entertaining missionaries and those missionaries were coming down hard on the pastor’s family who  had a dishwasher a washing machine and dryer and and a microwave….the missionary was saying that the pastor’s family had it way too easy and without missing a beat the pastor’s wife said why do you say all of that…you have hired servants in your home (which is very customary in other countries)  These are are just my hired servants who just don’t happen to breathe or talk.

Well today I am SOOO thankful that I have technology in my home. 
I have  a dishwasher, a clothes washer and dryer…an oven and not a fire…a kitchen aid mixer and a microwave!  And I just want to say a great big thank you to the  Lord of heaven who gave wisdom to men to create these wonderful machines….You knew I would need them and use them everyday!