Happy Monday! Welcome to Intentional Love month on the blog! Each month there will be a theme around the word intentional which is my word for 2021. Last month was intentional Gratitude and I have yet to see where God is directing this journey for March.
Whew I am doing this late tonight. But I was neck deep in some other stuff! Mostly getting ready for the snow storm that we now find ourselves knee deep in here in the Northeast!
This morning went very well and I got a lot of study done
♥♥On my mind♥♥
Friends and family going through some really hard stuff outside the normal run of the mill stuff
♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
my leftovers from my food last night
♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
I{in}courage women devotional Bible Friendship on Purpose reading plan
In His Image
I’d Rather Be Laughing
The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
A Light in the Attic
Lisette’s List
♥♥On my tv♥♥
Art youTube Videos
♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
Monday Shrimp Stir Fry Tuesday – Chicken Parm/ Zucchini Parm Wednesday Chili and Biscuits
Thursday Chicken Broccoli Rice Bake Friday – Leftovers Saturday – Pasta and salad Sunday – Loaded Baked Potatoes
♥♥From the camera♥♥
♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
My major goal for tomorrow is to mop the floor. That is a HUGE priority with all the wet snowy and wood stove in and out
♥♥New recipe I tried last week, or one that we really enjoyed♥♥
none really
♥♥To relax this week, I will♥
Tackle a scrapbook project and draw
♥♥Something I want to share♥♥
A sneak peek into a blog post I’m working on. I have no idea who write this quote but I Stumbled upon it on Facebook when a friend shared it and it fit perfectly
♥♥Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse♥♥
An excerpt from the reading plan Friendship on Purpose from the {in}Courage devotional Bible
I’m behind WAY BEHIND. I’m Tired BUT it’s a good kind of tired. The kind of tired when you feel like you have accomplished so much. That was my today. This warm spell here in upstate NY was exactly what this girl needed! But tonight I must confess my heart is heavy for a sweet friend. She has been walking a rough road for many years and she is struggling and I don’t blame her one bit. Because I was once there. and it hurts to see such a dear friend going through it too. BUT different. Her name is important and the situation is important but praying for her doesn’t require specific knowledge. Pray for peace, pray for courage to fight with God’s strength not her own. Pray she stay strong in her faith. Pray that she will shine through all that is false. Pray for this sweet woman!
The weather outside is::::
WELLLL this morning and most of that day was GORGEOUS! Springlike and just downright glorious! Tomorrow however Really don’t want to think about that right now!!
On the breakfast plate this morning::::
a Soft pretzel. I know breakfast of champions right? Nah not really I was in a hurry and needed something quick!
As I look outside my window:::
Blackness. we live in the country so there aren’t many lights at all
Right now I am::::
sipping my favorite tea (Plantation Mint aka spearmint tea) basking in the silence as I type
As I look around the house::::
Well the kitchen in in really good shape. the living room needs some tidying and there are a few loads of laundry to be doe but our back stairwell, my sewing cabinet, bedroom and craft room needs some help! Thats Thursday nights project!
On today’s to do list::::
Well today was tackling the kitchen and it’s 90% there and the kitchen bathroom is cleaned and dinner was made
Currently reading::::
oh man I have a big list as of right now!
Enough by Sharon Jaynes
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas by Ace Collins (I told you I was way Behind)
the Bible Specifically a verse/topical study on Joy My word for the year
and a book with my two youngest sons – 10 Boys who Changed the World by Irene How
On the TV today:::: Different Strokes I’m such an 80’s-90’s kid!
On the menu this week::::
Monday – Leftover chili ( I had a salad since I can’t eat chili at night time)
Tuesday – Mac and Cheese with hotdogs
Wednesday – Sloppy Joes with Tater tots
Thursday – Grilled Cheese and soup (I will decide what type I will be making Thursday morning)
Friday – Pizza and wings
Saturday – Steak um sandwiches (LOL this is leftovers (frozen) from a few weeks ago when hubby and I had a family night and gave the kids a blast from our past)
Sunday – Meatball subs
What I am creating at the moment::::
a wrap for around hubby’s face when he is splitting wood outside in the cold some paintings and some Cricut projects
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Our girls first yea playing basketball, she loves it so much
Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
Friends and family going through stuff. Physical, emotional faith struggles.
our family has 2 big things coming up in the future. can’t say anything as of yet. Stay tuned.
My verse for the Year
Romans 12:12
12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Have you ever stood and stared and watched a sunset as it changes. It’s like it’s a living water color painting. I love sunrises too and they are the same way. But as of late I have been watching sunsets and pondering them. Every sunset os different and there are Many factors that go into that. A sunset os very similar to life. sometimes it’s full of color and vibrant and other times it’s dull and gray. The one thing we know and can expect is that nighttime is coming. I the Bible we are promised dark and hard times, but we are also told joy comes in the morning which as you guessed it is something else that beautiful. a sunrise. the thing is that just like life if we don’t take the time to soak up the beauty, we will miss it! That’s what I love about Happy homemaker posts is that it makes me sit down and think about all that is going on around me! So let’s get started!
The weather:::. Fall showed up on Saturday after quite the storm Friday night. But since then it has been bright and crisp. The clouds started rolling in this afternoon and now is overcast and ready to rain at any moment.
As I look outside my window::: I see my neighbors porch light and an occasional car whizzes by but other than that it is pitch black outside
Right now I am::: sipping sinus soother tea and mentally working on my #write312018 blog posts
Thinking and pondering::: about many things but I have really been pondering a challenge given by a speaker while I was at camp all by myself this summer. My word for the year has been influence and it has been forefront in my mind but this speaker challenged up to write letters to those who have had an influence on us. specifically ministry leaders who have poured into our lives so I have compiled my list and am preparing the preamble to those letters.
On my bedside table::: a whole bunch of books wanting my attention
On my tv::: nothing
On the menu for this week:::
Monday – Chicken bacon Ranch casserole (I tweaked the recipe so I could make it in the crockpot”
Tuesday – Meatball subs and salad
Wednesday – chicken pot pie (also in the crockpot- yeah we will see how that goes)
Thursday – grilled cheese
Friday – chili
Saturday – hayride 9there is dinner -kinda with that
Sunday – Hamburgers, salt potatoes and veggie
On my to do list::: well ya see I kinda made this mess, a VERY BIG MESS. I kinda lost something and so I went on a hunt to find that something (with no positive outcome) and when I was done it looked like a tornado had hit the place. Now I have to fix it.
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: I am starting on the curtains for my craft room this week. I also have to sand and paint the trim and sills of my three windows in the craftroom. And I have a sign that is the theme thought for my room and that involves painting AND Cricut work.
My simple pleasure::: hot beverages. I LOVE me some COFFEE but I also really enjoy tea and hot cider as well.
Lesson learned the past week::: oh I have two. 1) well on Sunday I was catching up from my missed devotions while I was away at a conference. and as I read I began to see a pattern I a couple of different places waiting on God was forefront I my reading and then my secret sister gave me a cute ceramic pen holder with a very cute pink sloth on it and it says Take your Time. Ok I get it. So many times I think it should go on my time line and that I can fix it but in reality I need to wait on God. he has it all under control. 2). over the last month r so there has been some heavy stuff I have had to process through. and I have learned these last few weeks that sometimes you have to let go of self-imposed expectations and go with simpler disciplines and routines and build back to where you once were. so That is what I have done. I have gone back to my 3 minute morning routine I set up when I read through Hello Mornings, and it has been a huge blessing. Because God has met me in the simplicity and deeply fed my soul. As much as I would like to say I am back to my old self , I can’t. ButI’m getting there for sure.
Looking around the house::: UMMM did you read what I wrote on the to-do list part??
From the camera::
This was the sunset from behind our church Saturday night during youth group. It’s unfiltered and I firmly believe that we have some the best sunsets around!
Prayer List::: unsaved friends and family and I have a bunch of friends and family going though some really hard stuff.
Bible verse, Devotional:::
Isaiah 40:31English Standard Version (ESV)
31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Greetings friends. It been awhile and let me just say Life kinda got turned on it’s ear. But that’s ok we feel like we are mellowing out a bit and quite honestly I feel more focused than in recent months. and I have some super cool things coming down the line including some nifty new blog content because even though I have been silent here doesn’t mean you haven’t been on my mind! So I am totally excited for the coming weeks!
So let’s jump in and get Happy….
The weather:::. warmer and rainy. I love the rain actually, but let’s not talk about tomorrow though.
As I look outside my window::: rain drops on the window, mud and green grass. BUT green grass is the only visible sign of spring here at our house
Right now I am::: texting a company back and fourth about a video on my facebook account that they loved
Thinking and pondering:::bahahaaha I can’t believe I have to do this a second time ( my computer decided it needed to run an update right as I was proofreading the post the first time. I lost 90% of the post so I am doing it again!
On my bedside table::: a few books including my new review book. I CANONLY IMAGINE by Bart Millard
On my tv::: nothing BUT iTunes is keeping me company. which just happens to be Flawless by Mercy Me at this very minute!
On the menu for this week:::
Monday – Pasta with meat sauce
Tuesday – Chicken and biscuits
Wednesday – Chili
Thursday – Chef Salads
Friday – chicken Salad subs
Saturday – OUT we are headed out to a concert with friends from church
Sunday – BBQ Chicken Sandwiches with Potato salad
On my to do list::: the better question is what’s NOT on my to-do list
What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: Lettering for a church bulletin board ( using the Cricut). video voiceovers and graphics for a ladies luncheon promotional video
My simple pleasure::: reading outside while waiting for the kids to get home from school
Lesson learned the past week::: transparency is one of the greatest influencers on others lives
Looking around the house::: Spring cleaning is under way. Itlooks like I’m organizing our life
From the camera:::
Prayer List::: I have some friends and family who are going through some really tough stuff & our son with Autism is having some health struggles that is keeping us on our toes
Bible verse, Devotional::: Over the last few weeks I have been studying Esther and this week as I studied Esther Chapter 4 Was hit hard with some amazing truth about this young woman life as she went to from a person of little consequence to a woman of great influence. And is’t that how God repeatedly works throughout scripture, he takes the least likely candidate and turns them into a great influencer!