A few weeks ago I said that I would show modified or completed (as in colored in) inktober sketches. Well last week clearly didn’t happen. So here we are today. I’m not going to do all of them in their completed states, Just a few of my favorites.
I wanted to try out some shading techniques I had learned from Lindsay the Frugal Crafter On YouTube. I have learned quite a bit from her.
One thing I have learned recently is using not just one medium. In my case I was using my Ohuhu alcohol markers. But after watching her videos I saw she was using colored pencils to shade her alcohol markers inktober sketches. Can I just saw I AM IN LOVE!!!!
Here is the before

Here is the after

As I have had a learning curve with this sketchbook (it’s just a different texture). I have struggled with my markers being streaky. They aren’t usually in my other sketchbooks. I learned to use this to my advantage (mostly) but I still enjoy a smooth texture. I’m very pleased with the outcome for sure.
I am also learning to use colors I wouldn’t normally use to shade. Case in point in this picture I used purple to shade pink (that was outside my comfort zone but I enjoyed the process and like the outcome!!!)
this journey in choosing courage isn’t just about blogging for 100 days. It’s about the process and growing. And taking risks to try new things.
I can totally get in a rut with my art and with blogging. So in the coming months you might see some fun stuff going on. Testing out the waters and trying new things is what I need to do. It’s the only way I’m going to grow in courage!!
Stay tuned for other modified Inktober posts. We will be taking next week off for Thanksgiving but we will pick things up the following week!
Thanks so much for joining me on this journey of Choosing Courage. You can check out the other posts here!!!!