I have a subscription to family circle (R ) I love the magazine i hat all the ads. So A while ago I decided that i have this great file system I had to make in a women’s ministry class in college I might as well utilize it to the fullest.I tear out the articles and then staple and file them.
I separate them into three categories: those that can be staple and filed right away, Those articles that share a page. For that problem I photocopy the last page that is shared and attach it to the corresponding article. And then finally food. They obviously get filled in a cook book in the kitchen.
Then they get stapled after this process the get separated into the folder categories they fit!
Then they get filed. My husband has a numbering system kind of like the Dewey Decimal system but modified to fit in depth religious works and is legal to use. FYI If I remember correctly if you want to use the Dewey system you have to purchasing licensing permission. There are other systems available and you can find them online. My husband got his from a professor in seminary!