Wow it has been a long time since I have participated in a tackle. I have two from the last couple weeks and I hope to be a more active tackler since my blog has been finished….I have only included the after pictures especially for the bottom two …it was not for the weak of stomach!!Back a few weeks ago the kids went on a feild trip with their school to the pumpkin patch…what I didn’t know whas that they were going to each bring home VERY large pumpkins and since weasel went along he brought one home too. We wanted to keep them through the Thanksgiving holiday for decoration and then I would “take care of them” Well I noticed one day that I had a small spot of mold on the top of one so I decided to go ahead and tackle this major project. we had also aquired 2 smaller pumpkins from church as well so I now had 5 pumpkins calling for my attention. So I cut open the one that needed the most attention..and much to my surprise the pumkin had rotted from the inside out and IT WAS BAD!!!! I tossed the whole thing. It was not salvagable….So then I cut the nexy one whew. Not a problem…So after only 4 pumpkins cooked and pureed this is what I had. There is at least 17 quarts of pumpkin not to mention the small white container of seeds…A Huge hit in our house!
The second tackle hubby actually took care of…It’s kinda his thing and he is good at it. Be thankful I didn’t post before and after pictures…LOL you just get the after which is much nicer. You see my dad gave us a deer he shot and Hubby and the three older kids drove down to PA to get it. So in total there was about 86 pounds of meat. This includes ground meat steaks roasts and stew meat both on and off the bone. What a blessing and a relief for the wallet. Be watching for some GREAT venison recipes coming soon