Well after some crazy days I have some pictures to show you! It’s of our new transformation in Progress!! My camera batteries died yesterday as I was taking the half way pictures. Disappointing yes but because hubby’s meeting ran a little (ok so a lot later) than expected we didn’t get to work on the Project on Monday night so I didn’t have all the progression in pics I would have liked. So last night (after some minor mishaps) we got to the progression we had hoped for the night before
So here is what is left to do
- Tonight after church-Spackle–there is not that much to do!!
- Tomorrow night–NOTHING! we have a really neat concert to go to!
- Friday –nothing really-we don’t “celebrate halloween m/c hubby is a pastor and well some of the things that play a part in halloween. Anyway we do take Trick or treaters and we have some FUN things planned for the kids! Maybe sanding of the spackle after the kids are in bed!
- Saturday…Fun for me-Craft day at a local church…Not a craft…I fair but a craft day with food and you make the crafts. It’s a great outreach! I am making three of the 6 crafts and then I am taking my scrapbooking stuff along! Hubby and his dad on the other hand-Painting the bathroom!!
- Sunday–attaching the fixtures. Towel bars, toilet paper holder and so on
- Monday Final pictures for tackle it Tuesday post!
(NOTE- Wood trim will be added at a later date.) Hubby makes all of the antique looking trim himself so it takes a while. We have to also finish all the wood in the bathroom seeing as the last owners didn’t see fit to do so and we have some mold on the wood…especially around the window!)
And lastly let me just day how thankful I am that my husband has a degree in wood products engineering and is fantastic at it. It is so wonderful to not need to pay anyone for these services. He does ALL of our plumbing , electrical and carpentry aspects…and it’s beautiful!
So let’s get to those pictures!

You can see it but the whole inside of the sink around the drain is cracked…
Gotta love cultured marble

Hubby does solid surface counter tops marble and so much more where he works now while we are looking for a ministry.
So the sink is one his shop was getting rid of and his boss said he could have it. The cherry cabinet was one he had finished when we lived in Pa and the customers decided they didn’t like it ..again that boss said we could have it.
The same was true with the counter tops and sink in our kitchen!
What a major blessing that was and still is!!!