Tackle It tuesday

Absence yet again…But this time it was out of a lack of internet
connection…We were on Vacation..MOSTLY. Hubby was taking a class out
in Detroit Michigan and the kids and I were camping in a camper
THANKFULLY. However the surprise we came home to nearly washed us all
Almost literally . Sometime during our last week away our Freezer
sprung a leak…actually it is the water tube running to the ice
machine in the freezer. Can you say water water everywhere. So as I
planned on blogging about our trip when we returned home on Friday Well
as you guessed NEVER happened…Hmmm I wonder why.
Luckily none of our stuff was ruined and we are in the process of drying
out. The floor is nearly there…But the insulation in the ceiling is
soaked yet and need s to literally be Popped! LOL. That will be done
this evening and then they will pull out the insulation and let the
ceiling dry out. As you can guess unitl everything dries out I have a
needless to say disheveled basement that does not smell very pretty. I
must say it is better that what happened two pastors ago when sewage
back up into the basem,ent…That was a Lovely experience for all I am
Anywho despite all of this I have a few things that need to be
accoumplished today. They are..

  1. charge batteries for camera so I can take pictures!
  2. vug has his evaluation this morning at nine
  3. shower
  4. Finish wasking the last two loads of Laundry
  5. Organize the boys bedroom closet
  6. Have the Trustee and his fam,ily come for dinner and work on the basement ceiling
  7. oh and have hubby and older tewo kids shop for groceries while Vug has his Eval