Book Review : The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell

TurquoiseFirst things first, ARE YOU A FRONT YARD PERSON? That is the question you will need to answer as you read Kristin Schell’s book The Turquoise Table.  In the Turquoise Table Kristin takes us on her journey to build community in her Texas town.  She chronicles he ups and downs  of being front yard people  as they began doing every day tasks at the turquoise table.  She gives practical advice on how to stock a simple basket to grab and go as you go to sit at the turquoise table , like crayons, coloring books, a can of mixed nuts, plastic cups and a water pitcher.  BUT Kristin ALSO includes family tested recipes at the end of each chapter !!  The chapters are short and sweet.  They get right to the point and there are many testimonials of others as they have embarked on their turquoise table journeys.  It was an easy and encouraging read that really makes the reader feel as though you can accomplish what is a seemingly scary risk, but with ease Kirstin melts away fears and doubts!

I  had heard about the turquoise table movement through blogging friends over the last few years but I had not been to Kristin’s Blog   or read anything official concerning the concept.  And even though I had never read anything by her I had decided that my carpenter hubby was going to make some picnic tables for our outdoor space, I new one of them would bee painted TURQUOISE!!!!

When I saw I had the option to review Kristin’s Book I knew I just had to and it did NOT disappoint.  I couldn’t stop reading!!!  Each chapter addressed different ares the Turquoise table touched in her life…even the table wearing out…WHILE SHE SAT ON IT!!!   Did I mention she was on camera as it happened?  SOOOO FUNNY!  The turquoise table has changed her, her family, her community, TEXAS and many around the world…no I am NOT kidding!!!   Being a front yard person may not be my personality type, BUT Im certainly going to give it a whirl!!!

This is definitely 5 star rating plus some!

Thanks BookLook Bloogers for giving me a free copy of this book to review and not expecting anything in return!

Happy Homemaker Monday 6-12-2017



It’s been a couple of weeks since I was able to join you all last!  A lot has happened, the biggest of which was our septic system BIT THE DUST!  it was an interesting week and a half and we still have a 20 ft hole in the back yard as we wait for hit to be fixed!   then  3out of the 4 kids finished school and we had all of the fun end of the school year events then in the midst of all that, I came down with strep throat!!  YIKES!  and no one else had it, nor has anyoneelsp caught it!

The weather:::It has been gloriously HOT!  after my gallbladder surgery I have been cold…constantly…Even in temps that I would normally be warm I have done hoodies and sweatpants! So the sun and warmth has been a very welcomed blessing

On my reading pile:::   Let. It. Go. 1000 Gifts Unglued and The Turquoise Table

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend::: Food Network Star Season 11

On my TV::: My Favorite Martian

On the menu for this week:::

Monday Salad and Sandwiches

Tuesday- Tacos

Wednesday – Chicken Broccoli Rice Bake

Thursday- Mashed Potato Sundaes (Have no fear I heard your plea and guess what tomorrow the recipe

you have all asked for will be posted)

Friday-  Pulled Pork and Pasta Salad


Sunday- Meatloaf and roasted potatoes

On The To-Do List::Oh where to start!  there is so much going on.  We are in the midst of re-arranging Ladybug’s room.  I also have to clean of my two desks.  Yep can’t use either one.  Laundry and some reading to catch up on.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::  nothing. I have three large sewing fixes I need to make

Happening this week:::Youth group, a dentist appointment, a couple of bible studies and other general weekly tasks

Looking around the house:::  General cleaning and straightening, a craft room that needs organized, 2 desks that need desperate attention and some laundry

From the camera::: 

Why Yes that is April the giraffe and she is one of the sweetest animals I have ever met!

What I’m wearing today::: Brown shorts and a green Camp shirt and flip flops

One of my simple pleasures::: Reading outside! in the sun

Bible verse, Devotional:::

50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—
52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
56The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:50-58 NIV

For More Happy Homemaker Posts Check outDiary of a Stay At Home Mom

Book Review: Zip It by Karen Ehman

Zip It

Zip It By Karen Ehman is the 40 day challenge supplement to Karen  Ehman’s book Keep It Shut.  This 40 day challenge focuses directly on taming your tongue and focuses not only on the negative impacts of our speech but also encourages us to use our speech to lift up others.    Karen weaves her real life stories and struggles within her writing and challenges often not to make the same mistakes as she has but rather take the mistakes she has made and learn from them and apply  the truths from God’s Word in how we react to other people, including ourselves.  each day is complete with take aways, and challenges to implement into our everyday lives and even journaling prompts and a Prayer to change our hearts in the direction that God’s Word directs that day.  Some of the challenges are as simple as  printing out a verse and posting  it where you will see it often OR as challenging as hard heart work in changing or apologizing for hurt that you have spoken into someones life!

I must confess that going into this book review I had not yet read Keep It shut, but it was on the reading list for this year.  SOOOOO I read it at the same time as Zip it and it was encouraging.  I finished Keep it Shut after I read Zip and I can honestly say that if you have not read Keep It shut yet, you most certainly could read Zip It without reading Keep It Shut.  It can stand on it’s own.  Though I would recommend also reading Keep It Shut!

As I read Zip itI loved the short daily readings that were rich in Scripture and  saturated with truth and raw transparency of how Karen struggled with her mouth.  I am looking forward to working through the challenges at the end of every day! There is pretty much nothing I view as a Con.  I do have a personal preference but it’s not a downfall of the book. Im just not a fan of the canned written out prayer BUT I can totally see the benefit as a direction in which to go.  Again that is just a personal preference and DOES NOT affect my review of this book!

I really enjoyed reading this book and I gleaned so much from it even though I have yet to work through the challenges!  I highly recommend this book if you struggle with taming your tongue…and even if you don’t

I give it 5 stars!

Thank you BookLook Bloggers for providing this free copy for review purposes.   A free copy was provided without any expectation of a positive review!

Happy Homemaker Monday- 5/1/2017

Greetings everyone and Happy May!  Last week was nuts but God has been AMAZING!

The weather::: It’s going to be beautiful.  in the mid to upper 70’s and SUNNY !  I love the sun!

On my reading pile:::so for this month I am hoping to finish  Unglued and  The Best Yes and start Praying God’s Word, One Thousand Gifts, Keep It Shut AND the new review book I picked last week is ….ZIP IT, the $0 Day Challenge that goes along with Keep it Shut

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::  Dennis the Menace…(old black and white TV show) and Not a Fan (on PureFlix)

On my TV::: nothing

On the menu for this week:::

MONDAY Mashed Potato Sundaes

TUESDAY-Chili and salad

WEDNESDAY-Pro Chops, baked Potatoes in the crockpot and a veggie

THURSDAY-AWANA closing program dinner.  I will be making a dessert (no Bake Cookie)s and Potato


FRIDAY-Grilled cheese and Tomato soup

SATURDAY-Beef Stroganoff and Salad

SUNDAY-Meatball subs  ( meatballs in crockpot)

On The To-Do List:: oh man I can’t even go there right now.  After having the washing machine down for a week and a half … Laundry is definitely on the DO list.  General cleaning up, the weekend was ROUGH!  and this week I spring clean…EVERYTHING!  and the Apartment needs to be people ready, we have missionaries staying with us a few times this summer

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: I was to make 10 cards this month a long with 1 painting( I am experimenting with watercolor) and something crafty from Pinterest

Happening this week:::  well the kids had dentist appointments this morning,  T has his front to teeth getting fixed on Wednesday.  He broke them about a year ago and they weren’t ready for porcelain crowns but they have come in all the way now so he will be getting them  this week.  And J has weekend respite this week Then all of our other “NORMAL” appointments

Looking around the house:::  There is minor cleaning and organizing to be done   EVERYWHERE.  Like I said before it was a rough weekend.  Hubby needs to fix the faucet in the kitchen and put the top back on the washing machine

From the camera:::

the youngest turns 7

This is part of the fun we had this weekend S turned 7

What I’m wearing today:::  well Im still in comfy clothes but I will be changing into capris, my purple Purse God T-shirt and my sneakers

One of my simple pleasures:::  Saturday Planner time.  I love using my planner!
Bible verse, Devotional:::   I have been growing a lot as of late.  It has been quite the journey and so over the last few weeks I have been challenging myself to step outside my comfort zone and watch some challenging things.    Most of which have come from PureFlix.  One of the most challenging and yet oh so encouraging has been then Movie Series and TV Series call the Encounter.  It has been amazing and I avoided them for so long.  for personal reasons .  BUT I want you to know that they are life changing.  Also the Not A Fan I mentioned earlier , it is unique and it talks about the difference between being a fan of Jesus and being a true follower of Jesus.  I have not been able to get it out of my head since watching it.  (THIS IS NOT AN AFFILIATE POST)  just me sharing  things I have found to be beneficial to my  relationship with Jesus!
For More Happy Homemaker Posts Check out Diary of a Stay At Home Mom

Wordless Wednesday: Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs Dyed Using Rice and Neon food dye

This year we dyed Easter eggs using rice and a few drops of neon food dye.  we have this tradition of trying new methods of dying Easter eggs every year.  The downside of this method is you need a few drops every egg, so you go trough your dye VERY quickly.

the upside GORGEOUS Easter eggs AND gorgeous rice that are in two mason jars on my table …What fun