Good Morning and Happy New Year. I know that I kinda fell off the face of the blogosphere. BUT I am back. I’m quite exhausted BUT that’s ok. The next few months are going to be quiet ones so I’m here to camp for awhile . I know this year is going to be a crazy one but I am going to strive to be consistent through all the CRAZINESS! More on that in the coming months! So let’s get on with Happy Homemaker MONDAY!
Breakfast time….what is on the plate this morning:::: Im going to be making Monkey Bread Shortly!
Looking around the house:::: Pretty clean…a few dishes from last night’s church game night
On today’s to do list:::: Blog, Plan, Goal setting, RELAX, NAP
Currently reading::::Woman of Influence and Meet The New You
On the TV today:::: who knows
The weather outside is:::: FRIGID! we have below zero temps and wind chill advisories on top of that!
On the menu this week::::
Monday: Pork and aurkraut
Tuesday: chicken and Biscuits
Wednesday: Pork BBQ and French fries
Thursday: Taco Salad
Friday: Baked Ziti
Saturday: Deacon’s Christmas Party- Roast Beef with potato dish, veggies and dessert..
If I have a few minutes to myself, I will:::: Finish My Craftroom. (Hint Big reveal of hubby’s Christmas present to me!! I’m so excited)
New recipe I tried, or want to try this week:::: Nothing for this week but next week will hold new adventures in cooking!!
One of my simple pleasures:::: SILENCE
Favorite photo from the camera or internet::::

Praying for::::
Some friends going through some really tough things in their lives
Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment::::
Today I begin Bible study in Titus 2 and reading through the Bible Chronologically! Stay tuned for more details about my upcoming year!
For more Happy Homemaker posts visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom