Hello writing friends! Welcome to the landing page for this year’s #31days2022 writing challenge. Right off the bat, I am continuing my 3-year series on Influence. This year I am focusing on the examples of both Godly and Negative influencers in my life. Now before you say “MARY! ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO CALL PEOPLE OUT HERE ON YOUR BLOG?” the answer is no. I will make mention the positive influences in my life and *almost * all have them have given me permission to use their first names here! the negatives however are more generalized. We all have “those” people in our lives and I will discuss more the impact they had. I will speak of the impact these groups of women have had on me rather than singling out one person in general.
A Little About Me
Hi, I am Mary! I am a passionate servant of Jesus Christ. I have been married to my pastor hubby for almost 20 years. A little over a year ago we left our ministry of 12 years and started on the journey of looking for a new place of ministry. As God would have it we ended up staying in the very church we opted to attend in the meantime. It’s been a year of changes. In May we transitioned from our old home to our new property where we have been transforming a barn into a home., all while “camping “in our camper..
Did I mention we have 4 teenagers (ok one will be a teenager in April). We are parents to two kids with special needs. One with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Dyslexia and Central Auditory Processing Disorder. The week before COVID shut down the world we decided to homeschool our 4 kiddos. It hasn’t been a perfect experience but the kids love it and so do hubby and I.
In my free time (Hahahahaha) I enjoy all things arts and crafts, though in this season arty things and writing has been tough. I have unintentionally taken a two-month break from writing and October is the time to get back into the crazy swing of things.
My passion and purpose here on this blog is to help women grow closer on our walk with Jesus and each other because really we are all on this journey together!
You can check back here each day to find the latest blog post and the links to the other landing pages from the previous 2 years. ( I will also link them in every day’s post as well.).
Introduce yourself in the comments below. I would love for you to join me on this journey!
You Can Check out more #31days2022 authors here!
There will be some changes over the next few days made to these landing pages so be sure to come back and check them out.
Find the posts here…
- Ruth: Influential Woman #1
- Proverbs 31 Woman: Powerfully Influential Woman #2
- Tabitha: Powerfully Influential Woman #3
- Beth: Powerfully Influential Woman #4
- Esther: powerful Woman of Influence #5
- The Nagging Wife/ Woman: Powerfully Influential Woman #6
- Sarah: Powerful Woman of Influence #7
- Mary: Influential Woman #8
- Martha: Influential Woman #9
- Steph: Influential Woman #10