Happy Homemaker …..TUESDAY? UGH!

Hello everyone! And Happy New Y…MONTH

I’m behind WAY BEHIND.   I’m Tired BUT it’s a good kind of tired.  The kind of tired when you feel like you have accomplished so much.  That was my today.  This warm spell here in upstate NY was exactly what this girl needed!   But tonight I must confess my heart is heavy for a sweet friend.  She has been walking a rough road for many years and she is struggling and I don’t blame her one bit.  Because I was once there.   and it hurts to see such a dear friend going through it too. BUT different.  Her name is important and the situation is important but praying for her doesn’t require specific knowledge. Pray for peace, pray for courage to fight with God’s strength not her own. Pray she stay strong in her faith. Pray that she will shine through all that is false.  Pray for this sweet woman!

The weather outside is::::

WELLLL this morning and most of that day was GORGEOUS!  Springlike and just downright glorious! Tomorrow however Really don’t want to think about that right now!!

On the breakfast plate this morning::::

a Soft pretzel.  I know breakfast of champions right?  Nah not really I was in a hurry and needed something quick!

As I look outside my window:::

Blackness.  we live in the country so there aren’t many lights at all

Right now I am::::

sipping my favorite tea (Plantation Mint aka spearmint tea) basking in the silence as I type

As I look around the house::::

Well the kitchen in in really good shape.  the living room needs some tidying and there are a few loads of laundry to be doe but our back stairwell, my sewing cabinet, bedroom and craft room needs some help!   Thats Thursday nights project!

On today’s to do list::::

Well today was tackling the kitchen and it’s 90% there and the kitchen bathroom is cleaned and dinner was made

Currently reading::::

oh man I have a big list as of right now!

  • Enough by Sharon Jaynes
  • The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
  •  The Stories Behind the Great Traditions of Christmas  by Ace Collins (I told you I was way Behind)
  • the Bible Specifically a verse/topical study on Joy My word for the year
  • and a book with my two youngest sons – 10 Boys who Changed the World by Irene How

On the TV today:::: Different Strokes I’m such an 80’s-90’s kid!

On the menu this week::::

Monday –  Leftover chili ( I had a salad since I can’t eat chili at night time)

Tuesday –  Mac and Cheese with hotdogs

Wednesday – Sloppy Joes with Tater tots

Thursday – Grilled Cheese and soup (I will decide what type I will be making Thursday morning)

Friday – Pizza and wings

Saturday –  Steak um sandwiches (LOL this is leftovers (frozen) from a few weeks ago when hubby and I had a family night and gave the kids a blast from our past)

Sunday – Meatball subs

What I am creating at the moment::::

a wrap for around hubby’s face when he is splitting wood outside in the cold some paintings and some Cricut projects

Favorite photo from the camera::::

happy basketball

Our girls first yea playing basketball, she loves it so much

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

Friends and family going through stuff.  Physical, emotional faith struggles.

our family has 2 big things coming up in the future.   can’t say anything as of yet. Stay tuned.

My verse for the Year

Romans 12:12

12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Want to see more Happy Homemaker Monday Posts? Check out Diary of a stay at Home Mom


Book Review: Less Than Perfect by Ann Spangler


Ann Spangler writes some of the most interesting narratives of  people of the Bible .  In her Book Less Than Perfect  Ann shows how God takes those who are  “less than perfect” and uses them and their stories for His Glory. It s a truth that our churches and our world so desperately need to hear and embrace today.  The people of the Bible were  not perfect, they are sinful humans like you and I  and we all need to realize that no matter how messy our stories are God is completely capable of taking this messes and transforming them into pictures of his grace and his mercy!

This isn’t the normal devotional either . So many times devotionals take creative license and go too far but this devotional is different..  Ann finds the fine balance of creative license and  truth.   Each chapter (or days depending on how you choose to use the devotional,) is broken into three sections:

  • The Account-  This is what actually happened in Scripture. And yes she takes creative license to fill the gaps.
  • The times- This section is unique because it is basically the historical background and explains why certain things for The Account Section has significance.It is so important to understand these details and it helps us to understand why the account is important to our lives.
  • The Takeaway- YIKES. sometimes the questions in devotionals are  lacking in substance.    In this devotional however you will quickly find yourself digging deep as you interact with the account from scripture.

I really enjoyed the book.  When I first got the book I thumbed through the pages and I got giddy because the chapters were “short” HA Just because a chapter is short does not necessarily mean it’s an easy read or fast read!   I found that  scattered through the chapters were these bullets/ sidebar pieces.  Now these were horrid for me to read!   So I asked a friend to give her thoughts on it.  She said it was way difficult for her to read as well.  So I found that if I  took a picture with my phone and made it bigger I could read it BUT THAT TAKES A LONG TIME!

That is the only real downfall I found with the book.  I enjoyed it thoroughly!  I have not finished all the questions either mainly because they are SOOOOO in depth and took a fair amount of pondering!  BUT I really enjoy that about devotionals I want to dig deep and grow closer to Go!

I give this book four out of five Starts

Thanks to BookLook Bloggers for my free copy of this book for reviewing purposes.   All of my options given in the book are mine.  I am in no way compensated fora positive review!

Happy Homemaker Monday- October 29th 2018


Happy Homemaker Monday Everyone!  Can you believe it is the last few days of October.  I know my mind is completely jumped past Halloween and Im in full swing thinking about Thanksgiving!

The weather outside is:::: I must say that the dreariness that we have been experiencing has made me somewhat exhausted.   It been raining pretty much for three days straight.  It cool and very fall like.  I have very much missed seeing the vibrant leaves this fall It’s what makes the gray days of fall bearable !  I love how the  gray skies make the bright foliage pop.  However this fall theist description I can give to you is that it looks like a very muddy fall watercolor painting outside!

On the breakfast plate this morning:::: Hahaha I am not a breakfast eater at all.  I had coffee and two pieces of bacon at 6:30 and then normally -today was no different I eat brunch around 10:30 or 11

As I look outside my window::: WET SOGGY GRAY that is all

Right now I am:::: I just let the kids in after they got off the bus.

As I look around the house:::: Weekend mess.  I will whip it into shape this evening but this morning I spent preppy our church play.

On today’s to do list:::: I had to get the play thing figured out.  Every time I have pursued a play option the door closed.   Now I have landed on a spectacular option and the details are all falling into place

Currently reading:::: Less Than Perfect by Ann Spangler (My review book)Courageous Creative by Jenny Randle (half way through the study!!) Jesus Calling and the Bible

On the TV today:::: Wild Prairie Rose

On the menu this week::::

Monday –  Tacos

Tuesday –  Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

Wednesday – Pizza and a movie night with some friends

Thursday -meatball subs

Friday – Loaded baked potato soup

Saturday – chili and Biscuits

Sunday -meatloaf and loaded mashed potatoes

What I am creating at the moment:::: Well I have been kind of obsessed with water color painting.  I have tinkered with it for a while BUT now I am full blown addicted to learning

Favorite photo from the camera:::


One of the challenges from last week  from Courageous Creative was to watch a youtube tutorial of how to draw something you have always wanted to learn how to draw. Mine was a pansy.  o used my water color pencils (still learning with those)

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

Perfectionists fixate on making  flawless art, but our greatest pursuit is to find God’s perfect Heart.

Jenny Randle Courageous Creative

Want to check out more Happy Homemaker Monday posts?  Visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom!

Write 31 Days- Day 18- Prostitutes Thieves and Murderers OH MY!


At the end of yesterday’s blog post I wrote about excuses.  And remember I mentioned Mark Hall’s quote about Christians having big BUTS.  Well after much contemplating I have decided to explore a few of the biggest BUTS Christians  seem to hold onto:

BUT you don’t know my past

This one gets me often because we don’t have to look far into Scripture to see that God takes the messiest lives and transforms them into the most beautiful servants  for his work.

She was a Prostitute

But not just any prostitute , she was a prostitute with 7 demons.

We don’t know much about her past or her family. just what she was and what she had.  Thankfully Jesus is in the business of reception.  He healed her and forgave her and she became one of the faithful women who went with Jesus.

She was indebted to Him for all that he had done.  he had transformed who she was.  She was at the crucifixion, the burial and the Resurrection.

She took a anointed Jesus’ feet with her tears and her hair.  She seemed to have an understanding of what was going to happen.  This woman. Her name was Mary Magdalene.

one of my favorite Hymns is  “In the Garden”. It has always resonated deep within my soul.  I had no idea the story behind it, but I knew I felt just as the person speaking in the song.  Two years ago I was sitting in the tabernacle of the camp we hang out at every summer and the worship leader shared the back story. I was BLOWN away.  It is the account of Mary Magdalene.  It is a picture of her deep personal relationship with Jesus.  The type of relationship I want to have with my  Savior.

Let’s also not forget Rehab the prostitue that help the spies  defeat Jericho.

He was a Thief

They couldn’t go anywhere.  they were stuck there in agony.  Their last moments on this earth…at least for one of them. All seemed hopeless.  There was no chance to have a godly influence…or was there?  The thief that hung next to Jesus on the cross had nope of life, at least on this earth.  He saw his need, he saw the redeemer and he asked for forgiveness. And in the blink of an eye the most hopeless  of situations gave the greatest hope of all….ETERNITY in Heaven.  And that man is an immense influence.  How you might ask?   well He’s the Bible!  His brief story mingled with anguish inspires hope in me.  A mom in the 21st century that it is NEVER too late for hope…EVER!

They were murderers

He grew up in pharaoh’s palace in Egypt but by blood he was an Israelite so his blood boiled when he saw an Egyptian task master beating his fellow Isrealite  He killed him, and then he RAN away from his problems and HID in another country. But you cannot hide from God and God came a calling in the form of a burning bush. And God had a job for Moses.  It involved going before Pharaoh and saying O baby let my people go….Um never mind.   (raise your hands if ya sang that song at teen retreats and Youth events). Anyway God was going to send him right back to where he had run from, Mooses said BUT BUT BUT my speech, I am not eloquent.   (Wow din’t I JUST write about all these things).  God said go He went and was used by God to save the Israelites from their enemies.

Fast forward to the New Testament and the book of Acts. Saul hated Christians and he hated Jesus.  He was passionate about this and was perhaps one of those who threw stones to kill Stephen.  And yet God is in the business of redeeming the most unlikely to be one of his Children.  It’s a miracle that these people are reached.

BUT it’s not really because God has been doing it for thousands of years. AND he still does it today.

I know a guy

Actually I know a whole bunch of guys and gals with amazing redemption stories like those mentioned above.

There are two guys who spent most of the 70’s strung out on LSD amongst other things.  The now suffer from schizophrenia, but they sing the praises of Jesus

I knew a girl whose father was murdered by an axe murderer while serving Jesus in another country.  When she returned to the states she moved to the worst part of her city and worked with the kids there.  I helped her.  It was hard, but amazing .  It was in that ministry I had the privilege of leading my  first person to Christ.  and a fire was lit.

There is this cool kid that has autism, and as folate he is struggling which means that I as his mom am struggling.  Mostly because I don’t know how to make it better.  BUT his heart, despite people being mean to him, he still wants his friends to come to AWANA and church.  His heart is golden and precious and God uses hum and all the others because of one reason alone…..


Your past is made beautiful when Jesus redeems you, You just have to let Him!


Write 31 Days- Day 17- Personality Flaws that Kill our Influence


We all have them! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US!  Personality flaws are one of the biggest influence  killers there are.  The problem with personality flaws are that we become comfortable in them and they almost become badges of honor.   OR excuses really to behave badly.

Personality Flaw #1- Flaws that keep us from being Authentic Christians

Actually I’m gonna deal with three because the are all closely related.

Being fake, being a hypocrite or being two faced.   Now you might be thinking Mary these are very separate things BUT in reality  they are all really under the guise of not being authentic.  I know It’s a huge buzz word right now BUT it is true.

  1. Being fake, being a hypocrite or being two faced.   Now you might be thinking Mary these are very separate things BUT in reality  they are all really under the guise of not being authentic.  I know It’s a huge buzz word right now BUT it is true.  When you struggle with being a hypocrite you say one thing and yet you do something completely different.  The number one place to see this, the grocery store line.  I heard a very small child use an off color word while waiting in line.  The mom reacted to the child and said don’t say that again and uttered some threat.  A few minutes later when she dropped something on the floor a string of explicative came rolling off her tongue- GET  THE PICTURE!  It’s the whole idea of do what I say not what I do!
  2.  Being fake also fits into this category as well.  Being fake means that we pretend that we are something that we are not.  Case in point: I ask you how you are doing and you say you are fine, when fine is the farthest thing from what you are.  When we seek to impress people we ted to say we like things that we really don’t, compromise on things that we would normally think was not right, or   act differently.  There was a whole section of life called college where I believed that  EXTROVERTED was the desired personality, when I had spent my entire like as an introvert.  IT was EXHAUSTING!  I suffered all sorts of consequences from this attempt be something that I wasn’t’t.
  3.  And thirdly being two faced.  That is when you tell one person on thing and another person something else.   This might look something like this, you are having dinner with a group of friends and all of a sudden somebody starts talking smack about your best friend from high school.  You chime in.  The next day you  call and make a lunch date and act as though the night before never happened.

Personality Flaw #2- Focused on Self

The next two personality flaws are liked as well.   Being opinionated and being self-centered.

  1.   Self- centered really is just caring about yourself.   I have been hashing this out both in my own mind and with hubby and with some close friends.   There are books in Christian pop culture that really urge you to take care of numero into (aka yourself). I get the premise and then there other books that tell you to serve and focus on others.  This can get mighty confusing.  So here is what I have learned so far: a) we really need to look to scripture to find the answer to this question.  And we need to look no further than Jesus Himself.  He is our example and that is what it means to be a Christian- to be a Christian literally means Christ- emulator.   In Christ we see a perfect man never knowing sin.  And we see some really interesting things about him.  He got away from groups to meet with His Heavenly Father (Prayer) and he served almost everyone he came in contact with.  We see he is weary, tired, hungry.  And in the midst of this 3 things he still puts others first.  He cares and serves others.  2). In scripture we are told that we should deny ourselves….our needs, desires all to follow and serve God (that means serving others).   when we set aside our needs, wants, entitlements (Whatever you choose to call it) God is free to use us in great and mighty ways.  But when we hold on to “what is best for me” we limit the  ways in which God can use us.
  2. Our second area is being opinionated.   It’s too hot, it’s too cold.  It’s too wet, It’s too dry,  It’s too purple , it’s too gray, It’s too soft it’s too hard.   wWe joke about some of these in. our house specifically it’s too hot, it’s too cold (especially this time of year!).   The reason being Hubby is built like a furnace and I suffer from ice cubes for hands and feet- SOOOO guess how the tabes turn in the summer!  HOWEVER being opinionated can get far more out of control than the temperature wars between husband and wife.   We are smack dab in the middle of election season (ENOUGH SAID).  the problem is that we are all worried about what is best for me.   we somehow think that even though we have a right to our opinions that we also have the right to make them known.  I’m all for open dialogue and discussion on topics (unless it’s politics and then I jus want to go take a nap).  The problem arises when we think the either our option is the only right opinion OR that we need to change everyone’s opinions to be mine.  When we do that we are just communicating it’s all about me.

Personality Flaw #3- EXCUSES

In MarK Hall’s book THRIVE, he states that Christian’s have big BUTS!  YES we do. What he is really saying is that we as Christians have big excuses, we all do.

I remember not long ago some one came to me with a problem that they wanted  advice for.  I gave them biblical advice and they answered it with BUT…..  I hear it all the time.   BUT Mary, BUT mom..but…but ….but.   Mt friends Marie has taught me this  fun little response when this happens:

What is a but?

Something we sit on!

I had to chuckle because I never realized just how many times I use “but” when I talk or write.  I’m not using it as an excuse I just never realized how ofter I have been using it until recently.

Excuses can be a good thing or a bad thing.   Like when our child gets sick and has to miss school.  When they are well again we write them an excuse explaining why they were absent.  Being sick is a good excuse.  I didn’t feel like getting them ready for school is a BAD excuse for not taking your child to school.

Many times excuses become the way we run away from our problems.   Other times excuses keep us from falling into sin.  We know what our triggers are and we  seek for ways not to be put  into situations that very well could lead us into that sin.   Alcoholics will often not go to certain places and hangout with certain friends who trigger the desire to drink.

Personality Flaw #4- Quitting or Giving Up

Have you ever met a chronic quitter.  You know that person who as soon as things don’t go as they think it should they pack it in for some new dream.

Unfortunately they don’t wait long enough to see what God is going to do in those circumstances.  So either it is too hard or it isn’t going how they envisioned it.

I can tell you right now that nothing I have ever touched in this life, whether it be directing a Christmas play, having children, street witnessing in NYC or being a pastors wife, not one thing has ever gone my way- or as I thought it should have.  Instead it usually ends up looking like some messy gross disaster. Kind of like a water color painting before it is finished.  And when I push through and finish the painting it is beautiful BUT if I quit in it’s messiest moment- it looks and is an utter disaster.

The problem is that we start to doubt God and the task he has brought us to.    The problem is that when we quit enough times people begin to not trust us. we become unreliable!

For this last one we can head to the Gospels to find the concept of expanded influence.

Luke 16:10 NIV 10 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

When we stick with what we have committed ourselves to and see it through, we  have shown ourselves faithful.  We have shown ourselves to be able to handle other things.

So which of these personality flaws are a struggle for you?  For me I can sometime slip into a quitting mindset and  excuses AND the whole focusing on self  thing.