Happy Homemaker Monday- Sleepy 9-30-2019

I don’tknow about you all but today I am tired but that *may* be my fault. Because I *may* have gotten my new planner yesterday. And I *May* have gotten a WEEEEEE bit distracted by said planner and I *may* have stayed up a TAD too long. BUT in my dfense. the rain did play a teensy part in my sleepiness.

The Weather:: Pretty sure Fall is showing up this week.

Monday – 60
Tuesday – 81
Wednesday – 65
Thursday – 57
Friday – 49
Saturday – 56
Sunday – 61

On my reading pile:::

Bare Bones Bible Handbook by Jim George

Choose Joy by Kay Warren

On my tv::: YouTube Art Channels

On the menu for this week:::
Monday –  mashed potato Sundaes
Tuesday –  Philly Cheesesteaks. Wednesday –  Sloppy Joes and french fries (though this may have to change to something meatless)
Thursday – Tater Tot Casserole
Friday – Pizza, and wings
Saturday – Chef salads
Sunday  – Roasted Chicked with potatoes and Crrots

On my t -do list:::
Re-straighten the indented part of the living room (aka kinda my office). Craft Closet organized Closet cleaned. general cleaning maintenance. Laundry

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: I’m going to participate in Inktober on my instagram. Im drawing cartoon animals (my own prompts) and focusing on Ohuhu Alcohol Markers

Looking around the house::: I have some cleaning to do. I have been in search of something missing and soI have ripped a part a few areas of our house that I need to put back together


On my prayer list::: I have a friend who is really going through a hard time right now

Bible verse, Devotional, Inspirational Quotes:::

For More Happy Homemaker Posts Check ou Diary of a stay atHome Mom

And you can read more of my Happy Homemaker posts by clicking here.

Thankfulness Challenge: Fall


It’s no secret, I am a spring/ summer girl. I love the warmth/ heat and the beauty it brings. I have been this way for as long as I can remember. But there is just something about fall. Matter of fact I love almost all things fall. There’s only one thing I can think of that makes me really REALLY not like fall as much as spring and summer- THE COLD!

But as I dit here staring at the beautiful upstate New York mountainside I can’ help but feel a sense of coziness. It’s my favirite kind of fall day. it’s GRAY which mean the fall colors just seem to POP even more than normal. I love rainy days to begin with but rainy fall days where ist is still warm enough to go jacketless and the leaves are in full color and still on the trees is one of my all time favorite things.

I really am thankful for fall and the reminder that there is a season for everything. and fall reminds me that sometimes there is a season to give things up JUST like the trees give up their leaves..  And yet there is no garuntee that those leaves will come back over the last few years we have had some trees die over the winter months for whateverreason.

Sometimes we have to say goodbye or set aside something that we once loved for whatever reason. I am ina season of letting go of somethings. i have no idea of I will ever pick them back up again and that’s ok. Somethings are just in the “stuff” catergory. and somethings I should havenever picked up to begin with. Like helping with something I don’t really enjoy or something that is seemingly changing directions and purpose. Somethings are distractions and somethings could be a way of life. All things that require much prayer.

Now don’t go wigging out on me because We aren’t moving and we aren’t changing ministries! AND I am not stopping blogging though as you all know this was something that I have laid aside for a season.

And just like Spring is a season for new growth fall is a time for pruning back. it’s when we weed out the dead plants in the garden and we prepare for next spring. we plant bulbs that will pop up after the winter’s deadness.

Here are a few other things that I really enjoy and am thankful for

  • pretty leaves
  • apples with caramel
  • hot apple cider
  • baked goods
  • pumpkin spice EVERYTHING
  • hayrides
  • bonfires
  • cute boots
  • cozy scarves
  • ALL the smells of fall

And that is just to name a few. It’s the simple things we need to practice in thankfulness.

So it’s your turn:

What are you thankful for in this Fall season oR whatever season you happen to be in right now?

For more of my Thankfulness Challenge posts click here.


Am I Distracted? The Lost Notebook

“Lord, Please help me!  I am feeling so distracted.”

If you were to look I my journal over the last few months that simple prayer is exactly what is repeated dozens of times! But Monday night I was left holding a lot of wasted time and nothing else.  I spent an entire afternoon looking for something that I didn’t really need. and what hit me right square in the face was that I had let this simple thing distract me…from a good deal, Let me Explain…

Eyes Wide open to Distraction: My Play Notebook

Back in April or May, I began to frantically write- write like I haven’t done in over a year.  I was working on our churches Christmas play  I had decided to write. That book never left my side for nearly 3 months and then I took my infamous writing trip. You know the one that I got pneumonia and hubby had to come and get me early because I was sooooo stinking sick!!!  Well I know I had it with me there BUT when I came home, I’m not the one who emptied the truck and I honestly don’t remember putting my stuff away (I’m the only one who would in the case of my personal writing stuff).   So it has been unaccounted for since the end of July.

I didn’t take it back with us in August because I knew that I would have no time because a large chunk of that time was spent hanging out with friends and family.    We came back home and two of our kiddos jumped right into school the next day.  Then the other two and we won’t even go into the drama that ensued with that experience.

We have finally set into a routine and I have a plan to accomplish the play and some other things.  I could have sworn I put it in my craft room- but it is  GONE.   Thankfully as I have written the play I have sent pictures of the written play to my stage manager by text.  So Monday I printed them out.   Monday afternoon I put them in my writing notebook and I was all ready to sit down and blog HOWEVER about 1 o’clock something in my brain switched and I went on a massive hunt throughout our whole house seeking out this notebook…..THAT I ALREADY HAD ALL THE INFO OUT OF!  I had to stop searching to make dinner and I was grumpy.  After dinner I sat down here and my desk and I flipped through my devotional book I have been working on  (I was behind in) and my fingers HIT the lone page flag sticking out of the side and I knew  exactly what the page flag said “DISTRACTED”. and I knew EXACTLY what verse was on that page

Deuteronomy 6:5

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your Soul, and with all your might.

BAM!! I prayed right then and there and asked God to help me yet again to fight the distraction I was getting caught up in.  BUT don’t think for a moment that some silly notebook has been all that has been distracting me.

A Million and One Distractions

NO, I am NOT going to list them all here.   But for each one of us, distractions can look completely different.  From one moment to the next it can look different for me.

Let’s start with defining what it actually means to be distracted!



BUT I’m not you and You Aren’t Me (not the same distractions)

I mean seriously, like I had to say that (Sorry I am the master of the obvious sometimes). But in all seriousness, we often think well, that worked for her so I am going to adapt it for myself.  Then we get frustrated when it doesn’t work.  the problem with that is your struggles with distraction might be different than mine, or they might appear the same on the outside but the reality is the root of the distraction is VERY different.  So then what? 

Well, we need to begin somewhere and that somewhere happens to be at the feet of Jesus.  We need to be willing to do the hard heart work with Him. We need to let him show us where to start and how to change our focus.

Are you willing to start there?  

So about that  Missing play notebook?

It was serving as a distraction.  I was distracted by a silly notebook that I had ALL the info out of.

The long and the short of it is this: It didn’t matter.  Most things that distract us, don’t matter.    There are big things that keep us distracted too.  But at this point, I had to let the notebook go. And I have.  And ya know what- it was freeing and I have been far more focused on the things I am supposed to be focused on.   I still get twinges of angst over not knowing where it is.  and I just keep giving it to God.  I have all the important stuff out of it.

I have let it go.  I’m not holding onto it.

What are you holding onto?   It’s time to let it go.

NOW it’s your turn

What is your biggest distraction? Let me know in the comments!

Have a blessed day


Haooy​ Homemaker Monday – 9/23/2019


The Weather::: I am so happy that we are still in the 70s and 80s. Today is supposed to be 73 but rainy and THAT’s ok. I really enjoy rainy days

Monday – 73
Tuesday – 62
Wednesday – 73
Thursday – 63
Friday – 69
Saturday – 76
Sunday -68

On my reading pile:: Boundaries, Enough, and Choose Joy

On my tv::: nothing really

On the menu for this week::: I haven’t done the menu planning for the week yet- I will come in later and fill in the blanks- But I do know the dinners for tonight and tomorrow

Monday –  Taco Pizzas (Pinterest)
Tuesday –  Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Rice Bake
Wednesday – Pulled Pork and Fries
Thursday -Meatball Subs
Friday – BLT’s and Chips
Saturday – Leftovers
Sunday  – Tater tot Casserole

On my to do list:: Blogging

Phone calls

Craft room needs cleaned up

write play

weekly planning

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: I have a few Paintings I have finished recent;y but now I need to be finish the play mode

Looking around the house::: The kitchen is CLEAN!!! The living room needs a tiny bit of work and our bedroom does as well. I have a mountain of laundry but the dryer is in the repair shop (AGAIN). and it won’t be done today because with the rain for today can’t hang it out. But I will say that having a clean kitchen makes me happy!

From the Camera::

On my prayer list:::♥ My mother in law Pat and her battle with cancer

Bible verse, Devotional:::


For More, Happy Homemaker Monday posts Check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom by clicking here!



Thankfulness Challenge 9-19-19


Thankfulness takes our minds off of ourselves and places it where it belongs…..Jesus!

So Many times we get wrapped up in our own problems we fail to see what God is doing around us! Each week we will strive to take our minds off of ourselves and look to see the blessings around us in the god, the bad and the ugly.

Lost Perspective

I must confess that over the last few years respective has been lacking here on my blog. Maybe even purpose or passion But over the last few weeks I have dealt with this heavily in prayer and I must tell you at this point my writing momentum has picked up and I cannot even keep up with the ideas rushing through my head. I can’t seem to get the blog ideas in my planner fast enough!

But sometimes we must experience the loss of perspective in order to get refreshed and gain a NEW perspective. I’m not gonna lie it’s been a few years of wrestling with God. Wrestling over fear mostly. Fear of doing THIS thing…..BLOGGING. yep. At some point, we need to come face to face with the fact that others may not like what I’m saying. People I know and Love. Sometimes I might step on toes. Trust me mine hurt long before I ever write a blog post. So tonight I am thankful for my lost perspective. It’s been a long road but now sitting here writing this I know that the lost perspective was one of the greatest things that could have happened, Sometimes wrestling with God over something helps us to understand more of who God is and who I am in Him. Now that is something to be thankful for!

Just a note of warning though: when you chose to wrestle with God and hash things out you need to understand that God WILL win. He ALWAYS DOES!

So now it’s your turn! to practice thankfulness! Is there something hard in your life that God has been showing you that has far greater worth and purpose than you ever imagined? if so share it in the comments!

Also tell me something you are thankful for this week.

Blessings, Mary

For more Thankfulness Challenge Posts click HERE.