Hey All! Who’s upper a little Dare?? I know I know 2019 and 2020 was the word JOY. However during the year 2021 my word is intentional, so I am focusing on INTENTIONAL GRATITUDE and Gratitude produces JOY!
So here’s the thing. In the past I have hosted a gratitude Challenge every Thursday (aka the Thankfulness challenge) because I believe that thankfulness should happen all year long NOT just November!
And since we are commanded to “give thanks in all things ” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) I decided that for 2021 I would participate in Ann Voskamps Joy Dare which you can find HERE.
Each week on Thursday I will post the weeks prompts with all that I am thankful for., and by the end of the year I should have well over 1,000 gifts to be thankful for (HAHAHA did ya see what I did there…Ann’s book is 1,000 gifts!) Actually I will end up with 1,095 gifts to be exact..
I will also post the image of the prompts though that belongs to Ann NOT ME. You can either join me in spirit and keep track in you journal in the privacy of your own home but I would really love it if you would share your gifts with me in the comments below!

Let’s get started for the week of January 1-7 2021
January 1- 3 Gifts Heard
- The deep Rhythmic Breathing of 3 sleeping children.
- Silence- Stillness as I spend time in God’s Word
- Sweet murmurs from another child upstairs spending time talking to his dad.
January 2- Inside, outside, on a plate
- Inside: The woodsy smell of a candle melt adding to the cozy feeling of our home in the early morning.
- outside- Much needed rain
- On a plate: many different tastes of the season- I am thankful for the days mostly I can stomach special treats because they are few and far between right now
January 3rd- 3 Graces overheard
- hearing hubby encourage the kids as we have walked this journey of a health scare
- the kids being real life friends to each other
- giggles of joy as tickles and playing are unleashed in the living room.
January 4th- Old, New and Blue
- Old-Two pretty little victorian doll ornaments- given to me from Nana upon her passing away.
- New- Tupperware boxes I planned to buy but my friend gifted them to me ” because I needed some encouragement”. Her words not mine.
- Blue- Extra comfy pajamas gifted to me by my hubby- both pairs are blue both perfectly warm and cozy!
January 5th-something I;m reading, making and seeing
- Something I’m reading” Prison Letters by Corrie Ten Boom – Can I just say that this book really serves out a healthy dose of perspective.
- I am not currently making anything- but I did make 6 pairs of PJs for Christmas and 6 neck warmers and there is nothing quite like taking the time to make something for your family.
- Something I am seeing- our family all snuggled in and gathered for our morning devotions
January 6th- In your bag, in your fridge, and in your heart
- In your bag- new fresh socks- I should say it’s in my hospital bag that is mostly packed in the kitchen. I have learned that in my new season I must be prepared and new socks for the hospital is amazing- sort are your own pajamas!!!
- In your Fridge- a meal prepared in love by thoughtful friends.
- in your heart- words of encouragement- those spoken in love to build up NOT spoken as a teaching moment.
January 7th- 3 Graces from people you love
- a funny card from a friend- only they can make you laugh like that!
- random check-ins and being asked how are you really doing?
- Truth spoken in a moment of frustration at life’s circumstances- to heal.The point is to encourage. The point is to encouraged build unto show they really care- And it works!
How about you? Are you up for the Dare? Interested in One Thousand Gifts? You can check it out HERE