A Little Joy- Happy Homemaker Monday 1-25-2021


Greetings friends! Well last week just didn’t happen. It seemed like everything last week kept me from using my computer! But this week I am even more determined to get back to this so here we are. Have a wonderfully joy filled day.

♥♥The Weather♥♥ 

cold- we woke up to frozen pipes this morning but that has been resolved THANKFULLY! but SUNSHINE was in it’s full glory this morning! Sunshine brings me great JOY! It’s going to be cold all week in the 20s and teens

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥

Good I still have a wee bit of a headache hanging on from yesterday’s migraine. I haven’t had a headache in months .

♥♥On my mind♥♥ 

Some friends going through some hard stuff. Praying fr them on their journey. and asking God how I can best help them through these tough spots. and pondering where my voice needs to be heard.

 ♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥

Bacon and egg whites and a cup of coffee

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥ 

I have finished most of my January reading. I have 1 Chapter in one book left After that book I will get an early start on February’s books

  • my Bible
  • The Chimes by Charles Dickens (1. Chapter left)
  • the Powerful Purpose of Introverts by Holley Gerth
  • I’d Rather be Laughing by Marilyn Meberg
  • In His Image byJen Wilkin
  • Lisette’s List (LONG BOOK will take me a couple of months)
  • Voyage of the Dawn Treader (with the kids during morning basket)
  • S.H.A.P.E
♥♥On my tv♥♥

Nothing really though I have watched some craft YouTube videos

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥ 

Monday – Leftovers
Tuesday -BBQ tater tot casserole. Wednesday Burgers and fries
Thursday – Potato Soup
Friday – Chef Salads
Saturday – Chicken Parm and zucchini Parm
Sunday – Leftovers/ Tacos (depending on what is left)

♥♥From the camera♥♥

♥♥Looking around the house♥♥

Typical after weekend hurricane happenings- we added Youth group back this week at church so now we need to adjust to the new schedule change

♥♥New recipe I tried last week, or one that we really enjoyed♥♥

no new recipes this past week or new ones this week

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥

I want to work on a painting (using my watercolor pencils)

♥♥Something I want to share♥♥ 

My Heavenly Father has no favorites 1Peter 1:7

For more Happy Homemaker Posts Check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

My Joy Dare- Week 3


Hey everyone, welcome to week 3 of the Joy Dare. thanks for joining me on this journey. As I have been striving to be intentional with my gratitude over the last few years it has really changed my responses to some of the daily struggles in life! U have thoroughly enjoyed this challenging process.. You can join in be checking out Ann Voskamp’s website here.


Let’s jump into this weeks dare!

January 15th-21st

January 15th A gift worn, given away, Shared
  • worn- Comfy PJ’s gifted to me by my hubby.
  • given away-Reverse advent calendar over December with our kiddos
  • Shared- art supplies with the kiddos watching them explore their talents
January 16th- 3 witnessed blessings
  • smiles on teenagers faces in a few minutes of crazy fun!
  • sweet conversations with our two oldest kiddos after a youth even complete with their observations and hearing their hearts – I am. proud to be their mom!
  • watching our kids make connections with God’s word- Specifically T’s observation about the churches talked about in Revelation.
January 17th- A gift bringing laughter, prayer and quiet
  • Laughter- a funny picture from a facebook memory
  • Prayer- Friends needs- knowing that each one of us trusts each other
  • quiet- the moments after coming home from church

January 18th- 3 Gifts from God’s Word

  • Psalm 121:1- My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth (NIV)
  • 2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (NIV)
  • Romans. 8: 35-39 –

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”[a]

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither the present nor the future,nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NIV)

These are all verses and passages that I have been working through that I have called “WHAT I KNOW. …” We will be talking about these over the next month or so.

January 19th- 3 Gifts that might never have been

(I actually you will give you 5!!). I count each one of these amazing people as huge gifts in my life!

  • T- oldest son
  • K- Only daughter
  • J- middle son
  • S- youngest son
  • HUBBY!!
January 20th- 3 gifts only seen close up
  • Cells under a microscope- 5th grade science is amazing
  • Jewelry- looking at it closely helps you to see its beauty and intricacy and the ability of the the jewelry makers
  • quilts- especially the intricate top stitches – we have a beautiful quilt hubby’s grandma (Mimi) made for us when we got married. Mimi has since gone to heaven but the quilt is the daily reminder of her love for us. The topstitches she these amazing hearts that are all connected!

January 21st- A gift in the sky, water, memory

  • Sky- the sunshine- it’s been scare as of late
  • water- some of my favorite animals reside in the water- FROGS!! As a kid I was all about. dolphins, manatees, seal, sea lions, walruses and whales. or and SEA TURTLES!
  • memory- it’s funny because there have been a few times of late there have been memories from my childhood slipped into my mind and made me smile. and then they slipped away. Just the idea of having a memory of a good thing in the past is a treasure because some don’t have that!

We will see you back here NEXT Thursday!

My 2021 Joy Dare -week 2


Hey Welcome back to this weeks Joy Dare post. so glad you are here. Let’s jump in.


January 8th- 14th 2021

January 8th- Dusky Light,, Surprising Reflection, Lovely Shadow
  • Dusky Light-the bright crispness of the snow under moonlight.
  • Surprising Reflection- seeing our children hearts reflected back in how the serve God and others
  • Lovely Shadow- The cat sitting watching the Christmas tree lights in the dark
January 9th- Held, Passed By, Set With
  • Held- Miss Mia (one of our twin orange Tabby Cat) She is such a sweet and cuddly cat.
  • Passed By- lots of craft supplies as I packed a box for a friend
  • Sat with- I enjoy just sitting with hubby. It’s one of my favorite things
January 10th- Sour, sweet, and Just right
  • Sour- Cranberry juice- helping my kidneys and bladder
  • Sweet- Christmas Treats hidden away for just the right time
  • Just right-Chocolate covered pretzels or salted caramels
January 11th- 3 Yellow gifts of fresh mercy
  • A painting a friend did for me of purple and yellow tulips with my favorite hymn printed on it.
  • A Christmas Cactus given to me by my church family while I have been recovering . Its wrapped in a very cheerful yellowy gold foil!
  • I have a cute yellow and black stuffed poison dart frog named Charlie gifted to me by one of my kiddos.
January 12th- Something Above, Below and Beside
  • Above- lights, I am so thankful for bright lights I can see to the best of my abilities
  • Below- sleeping puppies with sweet snores at my feet- ok so they aren’t REALLY puppies!
  • Beside- my hubby who has done a marvelous job taking care of me
January 13th- 3 Things about me. (This one was tough)
  • my creativity- Thank you Lord for fostering my creativity through my hubby encouragement
  • my small hands- so I can get them into tight places
  • My spiritual gifts- I am so grateful for them so I can serve God for His glory

January 14th- 3 Startling graces of God

  • Seeing God use something that just happened in your life to help someone else
  • Watching God take something horrible and transform someone
  • seeing yourself in God’s word specifically something I need to work on

Want to join me on this Joy Dare, Check out Ann Voskamp’s website for more details by clicking here.

Weekly Update- Finish {Well}


2 Timothy 4:7- Finish {well}

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2020 was a race, an extremely long marathon. Our December seemed like the Longest stretch of them all and It was our goal inspire of everything going on in our lives to not just finish BUT finish WELL.


Finish Well- It is usually a blog post you would write at the end of something NOT at the beginning. Writing this blog post was supposed to happen at the beginning of December- as we finished up 2020 I wanted to challenge us all (myself included) to finish well…..AND THEN DECEMBER HAPPENED.

I woke up one completely normal Wednesday morning and within a few hours we realized that it wasn’t so normal and I was rushed off to the hospital to be dropped off at the entrance of the ER….ALONE. I walked out of there that day with no answers and in more pain than I came in. I would return two days later in even greater pain. In total four hospital trips. IT WAS HARD. And I was struggling. Finishing really did just look like the next step- the next second and in one painful morning. they next breath. NO ONE knew what was going on that morning……That morning I wasn’t sure I could take the next. finishing well wasn’t in my mind…SURVIVING well was.

Two weeks into January and I am finically finding the words- words that couldn’t be spoken even a week ago. My hubby was scared, my kids were scared….I was scared because in those moments when no one not even the doctors know what is going on…it’s scary.


As much as finishing well wasn’t an option, starting well is. The week of New Years I found myself back in the Dr’s office Tuesday Morning, which led to another ER trip which led to being dropped off alone, this time in the most excruciating pain of my life- it rivaled 4 labors and a horrible gallbladder attack. and in the end resulted in an emergency procedure that left me feeling almost normal. I came home Wednesday afternoon. and a waiting game ensued…..waiting to hear lab results. Saturday they came Benign. I cried. All of the emotion of the previous month bubbled out.

I could have worried and fretted fearing the worst and I ca tell you that God and I conversed each and everyday about the subject. I was concerned.

What the new Year looks Like

  • Grace Goals– When I was planning for the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 I knew somethings had to change. Back in October and I had become aware of something and it hurt me very deeply. It kinda destroyed me- or at least it almost did. I almost let it- Hubby and I had really hashed it out (it wasn’t a Him and I thing). the realities I’m a people pleaser and it was something God was rooting out, and that’s when I found Grace Goals By Arabah Joy. I had taken the month before December to really work through all the hard process and watched the replay of the 4 hour bootcamp. I prayed and journaled my way through the process I set my goals and for the first time in a very long time I didn’t feel fear as I blogged. Fear of what other people thought. I am here to please Jesus NOT people.
  • What I know vs. what I feel!- there is a bigger blog post coming on this subject but THIS changed my end of there year and really helped me to finish better than I thought it was going to end.
  • Blog posts.- As I transferred my list of blog posts from one planner to another and corralled ALL of the blog post images I came to realize I have 27 blog posts waiting in the Wings for this year. THAT’S exciting for me. I know a few will be smooshed together. I am excited to restart this journey for sure.
  • Changes- This is kinda funny I have already had to change up the blogging schedule because of changes! I removed a blog series I was hoping to do called Put Off…Put On. I was really hoping that this little study I was doing everyday would translate into blog posts but at this current time it’s not quite flowing the way I had envisioned hopefully someday it might!
  • MONDAYS- As the New year rolls back in it is Hubby’s goal to get me back to church on Mondays – As a introverted mom of 4 kids who is homeschooling them I need a break and their homeschool curriculum is all on the computer so it’s easy for Hubby to give me a day off. we started it in the fall before all chaos broke loose and I have yet to return so for the time being I have been “sent to my room- aka my craft room”. It’s a little more difficult in the house because mom is one Alexa drop in away or just a trip upstairs. I really appreciate the time to have focused study and writing time and it has allowed me some quiet time for sure.

As we keep moving forward on this journey I want to do a weekly check-in. I hope to Next month join another book reviewing venture- I can’t wait for that opportunity again.

I hope that each of you have had opportunity to finish well! Let me know ways in the comments below that you have found to help you finish well.

Blessings, Mary

Happy Homemaker Monday 1-11-2021

Happy Monday Friends. I can’t believe it’s the second week of January all ready. I am praying that this finds you all well and I can’t wait to hear fro you all in the comments!

The weather outside is::::

Gray-is with the sun desperately trying to make an appearance

  • Monday- 32
  • Tuesday- 31
  • Wednesday- 34
  • Thursday- 37
  • Friday- 42
  • Saturday- 35
  • Sunday- 29

WOOOHOOO can you say heat wave in the middle of the week!?!

On the breakfast plate this morning::::

Egg Whites and 2 pieces of Bacon

As I look outside my window::::

Care trees and well played in snow

As I look around the house::::

We still have the tree up but it’s been undecorated. Hubby just needs to take the lights off and disassemble the tree. House has been undecorated. As I just walked through the downstairs there are computers ready for kids to start back on their school work as soon as they get home and some other miscellaneous things out of place but will be taken care of during chore time today

What I’m wearing today::::

I am wearing a navy blue hoodie, teal t-shirt underneath, dark blue skinny jean and gray socks and sneakers            

Currently reading::::

I am currently participating in the Christian reading Challenge four here

  • Lisettes List (Novel of 400 pages or more)
  • More Joy for the Journey (Devotional of 30 Days or More)
  • S.H,A.P.E 9 Christian Living book)
  • Prince Caspian (A book You have already read) *This is a part of our morning basket with the whole family)
  • I am currently using my (in)Courage Devotional Bible as I am doing the reading plan for Intentional Gratitude

On the TV for this week::::My

Nothing really- On my phone though there are some art videos through Skillshare and Youtube

 On the menu this week::::

Monday – Spaghetti, salad and Garlic Bread
Tuesday – Chili and Biscuits
Wednesday  –   Sloppy Joes and French fries
Thursday – Chef Salads  
Friday – tater tot Casserole
Saturday – Breakfast for dinner
Sunday -Baked Chicken, Baked Potatoes and veggies (Broccoli Normandy)

I am. still on health restrictions so the menu is pretty simple so if I can’t take care of dinner hubby or one of the two older kiddos can step in and make whatever is on the menu.. This past week was the first time I’ve cooked in a month.

Something fun to share:::

Well if you have read my 2021 Word post you know that the Month of December and well into January has been a very interesting journey for our family and it isn’t over yet- thank you for those who have prayed and encouraged our family through this journey!

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Learning how to use my new Glass dip pens

Prayers, Inspiration quotes, Devotionals::::

I have a lot of friends and family going through a bunch of junk right now. trying tomato sure they are all well covered in prayer and encouragement is hard and I am so thankful that when my heart is grieved and I don’t know what or how to pray that the Holy Spirit interceded for me!

For more Happy Homemaker posts please visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom