Hindsight is “2020”


I know I know, you are saying “MARY! Why on earth do you want to go back to 2020…DO YOU REMEMBER DECEMBER!?!” The Answer is Yes I do remember 2020….Yes I do remember December 2020- but the problem is the question. I DO want to December 2020. I DON’T want to RELIVE. December!

Remembering is what Keeps us from Repeating

We all know the phrase “history repeats itself”. And it is so true. History teaches us so many things and when we don’t remember it’s obvious we forget and when we forget….and when we forget history repeats itself. weened to learn from our mistakes….and others mistakes. I am going to address this in the next couple of weeks in a blog post about the importance of those who have gone before us.

In some Christian circles today we tend to forget those courageous believers who have fought some amazing battles for the faith and we tend to put stock in those still walking out their faith today. this was a realization for me in 2020 as some major “influencers of the faith” fell off their proverbial pedestals and shocked us all. the problem is this:

  • they never belonged there in the first place
  • they haven’t finished the race yet!!!

I have been let down by a fair share of humans….HUMAN Christians to be exact. I am sure I have let people down too. BECAUSE I ASSURE you I AM HUMAN (my kids might disagree- at least I didn’t claim to be a normal human). I am not perfect and nor do I claim to be and yet I know that people put me on a higher plain because I am a pastor’s wife. I make mistakes. I blow it. I need Grace Mercy and Love just as much as anyone else on the face of this planet.

This is why modeling our lives after people who have finished the race well, those who have gone before use and fought the good fight make excellent role models. (But more on this in a few weeks)

What I learned in 2020
  • I have learned to set my sights on Jesus. There are lots of people in this world who will try to tell you what you are thinking feeling and what your motives are. The reality is I am not accountable to them.
  • I have learned to ask hard questions of my friends and husband, especially when accused of something. Sometimes our emotions get the better of us and we can’t see through them to the truth. Now this only works if you have friends who won’t pull any punches with you.
  • I have learned to speak up! For others that is.
  • I have learned how to rely on my husband in some new ways and to be honest about the state of my body in needing rest.
  • I have learned to ask for help.
  • I have learned to say “I need to go to the ER”.
  • I have learned to let people go.
  • I have learned to trust God with the smallest of details in a moment by moment situation when I am not sure if I can last a second longer in some of the worst pain in my life.
  • I have learned to let goals go. (and with that some self made ideals)
  • I have learned to say yes to God in new ways and no to people in others.
  • I have learned to love in new ways and pray in new ways.
  • I learned how many tiles were in an ER cubicle at the hospital ( I was on morphine- I know it was over 300 little squares but can remember exactly).
  • I learned how to use a bullet journal.
  • I learned how to have fun while in pain.
  • I learned how to put into practice the re-counting of WHAT I KNOW. (blog post coming next week)

And the list goes on and on. now you might say Mary how on earth can remember how many tiles on the ER room ceiling help you in the future- well it will help me to remember to bring a book with me the next time or to grab my phone from my purse so I can read from their.

In short 2020 taught me to Have Joy in the hardships (HA I told you I needed joy for a second year- now I know Why!). 2020 taut me how tobe intentional IN. Every. Single. THING. And now I am taking what I learned in 2020 and putting it into practice. That’s why this month is going to be focused on {intentional}LOVE. Because I can now loo back at 2020 and see the lessons I have learned it’s now my job to apply them.

In September of 2020 I really started paying attention to the thereof being Intentional and making very intentional choices and I kicked off that journey with a post called Intentionally Social: 3 Reasons to Keep Social Media. And since I wrote that post I have made an active choice to change the way I have been using social media. I always tried to use it the way I am now but it was haphazard . Now I am actively asking myself everyday- specifically my devotions and reading- WHAT DO I WANT TO REMEMBER FROM THIS……and I post it. If it helps or ministers to someone else great but I am choosing to intentionally use Facebook memories to REMEMBER!

So how about you what have you been learning in 2020? what has God been teaching you?

(Remember this is a positive place and we need to keep it kind and uplifting and if it doesn’t fit in the parameters of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 it will be deleted!)

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Looking back on 20202 : Top 5 Blog Posts


Hey All so this is a fun little blog post! As I was looking back at a few blog posts I need for upcoming blog post I was noticing had some pretty cool blog posts that I totally I forgot I wrote in 2020. (Ha, yes it was that kinda year) So I thought it might be fun to do a year in review but I am only going to do the top 5 blog posts that I enjoyed writing!

Post #5 Let’s Talk : Anger

Anger: it’s something that we ALL struggle with and this was my processing the emotion of Anger. Hubby and I spent weeks hashing out verses and this was the outpouring of our discussions.

Post #4 Duck Your Attitude is Showing

This post was fun to write as I was reading a book about attitudes and all that kept to coming to mind was a fun little prank from Middle School.

Post #3 – 1,000th Blog Post

This was a very exciting blog post for me to write. It’s been a long time coming.

Post #2 Teachable Spirit 101

Having a teachable spirit is something I super passionate about. It is my deepest goal and desire to always be a learner no matter my age or position in life. I also desire to raise life long learners as well!

Post #1- Intentionally Social

This was my very first INTENTIONAl themed post and really kicked off my journey with the word intention and this blog post was me working through why I still wanted to keep social media.

Intentional Love -Happy Homemaker Monday 2-1-2021


Happy Monday! Welcome to Intentional Love month on the blog! Each month there will be a theme around the word intentional which is my word for 2021. Last month was intentional Gratitude and I have yet to see where God is directing this journey for March.

Whew I am doing this late tonight. But I was neck deep in some other stuff! Mostly getting ready for the snow storm that we now find ourselves knee deep in here in the Northeast!

♥♥The Weather♥♥ 

Monday – 26
Tuesday – 24
Wednesday – 25
Thursday –  32
Friday – 37
Saturday –  25
Sunday – 26

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥

This morning went very well and I got a lot of study done

   ♥♥On my mind♥♥ 

Friends and family going through some really hard stuff outside the normal run of the mill stuff

 ♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥

my leftovers from my food last night

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥ 
  • I{in}courage women devotional Bible Friendship on Purpose reading plan
  • In His Image
  • I’d Rather Be Laughing
  • The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
  • Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • A Light in the Attic
  • S.H.A.P.E.
  • Lisette’s List
♥♥On my tv♥♥

Art youTube Videos

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥

Monday Shrimp Stir Fry
 – Chicken Parm/ Zucchini Parm
Wednesday Chili and Biscuits

Thursday Chicken Broccoli Rice Bake
 –   Leftovers
 –  Pasta and salad
Sunday – Loaded Baked Potatoes

♥♥From the camera♥♥
♥♥Looking around the house♥♥

My major goal for tomorrow is to mop the floor. That is a HUGE priority with all the wet snowy and wood stove in and out

   ♥♥New recipe I tried last week, or one that we really enjoyed♥♥

none really   

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥

Tackle a scrapbook project and draw

♥♥Something I want to share♥♥ 
A sneak peek into a blog post I’m working on. I have no idea who write this quote but I Stumbled upon it on Facebook when a friend shared it and it fit perfectly
♥♥Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse♥♥ 

An excerpt from the reading plan Friendship on Purpose from the {in}Courage devotional Bible

Thank you for joining me today for More Happy Homemaker Monday Posts check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

February Monthly Goals- 2021


Happy February everyone. I am so happy to hit the ground running this month because honestly January was spent playing catch up after some health issues in December but I am back better that ever and I am sooooo ready..

Here’s a couple of Changes:

While in the hospital in December I decided it was time to take blogging and the reading challenge I participate in each year to a new level. After watching some Youtube videos I decided that a bullet journal was the way to go. And actually the last day I left the hospital hubby and I stopped at a craft store and purchased one. I kew Was about to have some excessive spare time on my hands and so I began figuring it out.

Bullet Journal

The next change is a whole new way to schedule my blog content and I started my mapping out the free time I had. I think sometimes we buy into a lie that we don’t have free time (I know I did) especially with homeschooling 4 kids and a busy ministry and so on.

A glimpse at my weekly schedule

And then the next thing I did was look at my LONG list of blog topics and pick a to-blog list. Another big lie I told myself is that I had no content (HA!) a quick scan of my computer graphics folder and my notebook showed otherwise.


I know some of these won’t get written this month but they are the ones that are “on deck” or next.

Goals for February
  • write in journal every other day- this isn’t blogging or tied to my devotions this is just a journal with writing prompts. It is solely used as practice in filling up the lines. I use it to practice descriptive language
  • write at least 12 blog posts (this was the same as last month- I am close I wrote 9)
  • Work on blogging schedule.
  • Work on a Phone usage schedule- this is more difficult due to the ministry perspective but it’s coming together.
  • Complete 5 books
    • In His Image
    • Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    • I’d Rather Be Laughing
    • The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
    • S.H.A.P.E.
  • Begin (again) my Philippians Study- I started it last year and became frustrated with the study method I was using so I let it go and I decided to just go back to my Bible study method I worked on and have created a hybrid version of a couple different methods. I guess I can go back to the old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
  • Finish any two notebooks (I finished a sketchbook earlier this week and I am in line to finish a journal by the end of the month)
  • Craft closet- also needs some help after the holidays
  • and our bathroom needs some deep cleaning after some remodeling (It’s not finished just deeds some cleaning up
  • Re-implement my morning exercise routine as the medical stuff cancelled ALL of that!

And that’s it in a nutshell. I am excited because last month I was still in recover mode and I still made big progress so hopefully the month of February will follow.

How about you what are your goals for the month of February and what do you use to help you meet your goals.

My 2021 Joy Dare- Week 4


Happy Thursday everyone. I hope you have had a fabulous week! Can you believe we are doing our final full week of the Joy Dare for the month of January?

Well let’s jump right into hopefully awhat was a joy filled week.

January 22nd-28th

January 22nd- A gift wrinkled, smoothed and unfolded
  • wrinkled- any number of J’s artwork I find on the kitchen table or desks
  • smoothed- our blankets on our freshly made bed, every time I walked into our room I get a massive sense of peace
  • unfolded- notes from hubby in a bin from college that will someday be emptied into scrapbooks
January 23rd- 3 gifts found in Christ
  • Grace- I do not deserve salvation and yet I can have it as a free gift
  • Mercy- I deserve horrible punishment and yet I am gifted grace
  • Unconditional love- Love inspire of myself
January 24th- 3 thing in blue
  • my 3 blue watercolor pencils. I think they are probably my favorite in the set
  • My reading glasses that have rescued me through the last two months (my eyes had a hard time adjusting after my first procedure) They came to my rescue
  • a blue Tupperware container as a gift
January 25th- A grace found, borrowed, inherited
  • borrowed- sewing patterns borrowed from a friend
  • Found- my Cricut cords…I can’t even!
  • inherited- old dishes inherited from Mimi and another lady named Mary- Classsics I never plan to part with!
January 26th -A Joy before Dawn, at noon and after dark
  • before dawn- quiet time with Jesus before all the crazy kicks in
  • at noon- break time for luck for the kiddos and I can focus on writing/ blogging and the like
  • winding down for the evening think about the day ahead praying and planning for God to do amazing things
January 27th- 3 gifts in the kitchen
  • plenty of food- needs met
  • gifts to share- plenty of food to share with those in need or experiencing sickness or hardship made with love
  • things of beauty created by loving hands of family and friends
January 28th- 3 gifts found in friends
  • A- a friend that has stood the test of time and trials
  • C-a new friend (relatively speaking) challenges me in my growth
  • S- an old friend stead and true honest

I must confess this list was DIFFICULT one to choose just 3. there are so many but these three really all have the same qualities. And the best part is they make me better! They challenge me in my walk with God and they stick with me when I fail…AND I HAVE HAD SOME PRETTY BIG FAILS! They love me unconditionally!

How about you? what were some sparks of Joy for you this week?

Remember you can check out the Joy dare by going to Ann Voskamp’s website by clicking here.

Haven’t read her book One Thousand Gifts check it out here (not an affiliate link)