Good morning everyone (evening by the time you read this!) and a happy Monday. Last week was such a SLOW week for me. Apparently I have been fighting an infection that really didn’t hold many symptoms for me. I just kept getting more and more tired. All of this led for more tests and doctor’s teemed calls and now I’m over half done with my third round of antibiotics in way too short of a time span. I feel way less sluggish today so hopefully that’s a good sign
Let’s get into this weeks post!
♥The Weather♥♥ .

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Much better today not nearly as tired
♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
Eggs and bacon and cheesecake I didn’t eat last night
♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
- My Bible
- the powerful Purpose of Introverts
- I’d Rather Be laughing
- The Silver Chair
- A Light in the Attic
- Lisettes List
♥♥On my tv♥♥
♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
Monday – Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole Tuesday – Tacos Wednesday Meatball subs- Thursday– Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes
Friday- Leftovers Saturday -Vegetable Beef Soup
Sunday – Venison Potatoes and carrots in the crockpot
♥♥From the camera♥♥

♥♥Something I want to share♥♥
Love people No matter what!
♥♥Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse♥♥
I finished In His Image by Jen Wilkin this morning. Fabulous book It really has challenged me over the last couple of weeks and I highly recommend this book
For More Happy Homemaker Monday posts , check out Diary of a stay at Home Mom