Happy Monday friends! Last week was a wild week. I finally got to finish my Happy Homemaker Monday on FRIDAY. UGH technology. Anyway you can check that out HERE.
♥♥The Weather♥♥
I am so excited that we get a taste of spring this week..
Monday – 39 and mostly sunny
Tuesday – 42 and mostly cloudy
Wednesday -55 and mostly sunny
Thursday – 59 and rainy
Friday – 50 and rainy
Saturday – 38 and snow showers
Sunday – 35 and mostly cloudy
♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Ready to tackle the day- I have been struggling with Mondays and so today I tackled it with a plan and prayer. I didn’t want to battle it with such distraction. And so far it’s working.
♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
Coffee, bacon, egg whites and a kiwi
♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
- My Bible
- The Last Battle (Morning Basket reading this month)
- Lisette;s List (before bed reading)
- S.H.A.P.E. (Kindle book)
- The Mindful Christian
- What If God Wrote Your Bucket List
- Becoming a woman of Influence
- A light in the Attic (School reading for Kiddo #4)
- Little Women (Kindle reading to me while I work)
♥♥On my tv♥♥
♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
- Monday- Pizza and salad
- Tuesday- subs and chips
- Wednesday- Chicken bacon ranch casserole
- Thursday- Soup
- Friday-Burgers and fries
- Saturday- Leftovers
- Sunday- Taco salad
♥♥From the camera♥♥

♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
Well it is definitely better than this last week. I have some deep cleaning stuff I need to accomplish. Our bathroom counter and putting away my clean laundry are top on the list.
♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
I’m going to be more proactive in the craft space. I just haven’t made time fore it over the last few weeks and I need to have that space.
♥♥Something I want to share♥♥
Mira Byler is one of my favorite Youtube artists and one of my favorite series she does is how to fill your sketchbook. I find her highly encouraging and my art has gotten SOOO much better since I have started watching her.
♥♥Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse♥♥
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5: 14-16 NIV
For more Happy Homemaker Monday posts check out Diary of a Stay At Home Mom