Welcome back to the Joy Dare
Hello everyone, Welcome back to my 2021 Joy Dare Challenge. I know that I haven’t been posting the weekly Dare prompts here but you can be sure I have been keeping it going in my daily devotions. As much as I would love to have a record of all of the Dare prompts here I just don’t have the time to catch it all up, so I am just going to have to keep the record of it in my journal!
The Joy Dare has played an internal part in helping keep my perspective in line over the last 8 months. Focusing on what you are most grateful for whether its big things or the smallest of blessings takes your focus off the struggles of this world or our own hardships and places our sight on who it exactly belongs on…..the bestower of all of these blessings…..big and microscopic…….God himself.
So Let’s Jump in.

August 13th-19th 2021
Day 13- 3 Gifts in Green
- The grass and trees
- my bullet journal
Day 14- A gift in a ring, curve, and sphere
- Ring- the fire ring in our side yard- so many memories
- A curve- as I a curve ball- it changes everything including our perspective
- A sphere- the sun- a big bright warm glowing ball in the sky
Day 15- 3 gifts ugly beautiful
- My petunia plant- all of the green leaves are withered but the flowers are still blooming in all their beauty
- A room we are working on- it’s like a painting it’s “in the ugly stage” but the progress is beautiful. It reminds me of the state of our lives.- we have very ugly spots according to the way the world looks at us, but when Jesus come in and starts working on the. ugly parts he transforms them into something beautiful.
- Calloused, scarred hands. Hands that work so hard and take care of many people. those hands are taken for granted and yet they keep serving and loving. Beautiful hands and feet are those that serve God at the expense of their physical beauty!
Day 16- 3 Gifts of family
- Hubby and oldest child #1 returned home after a hiking weekend way.
- working together for a common goal
- laughter, love and craziness
Day 17- 3 gifts in the morning
- Sweet moments talking with hubby before work.
- Devotions and Prayer
- Silence before the day begins
Day 18- A gift red, read and written
- Red- The deep red of a sunset then mixing into other colors that create a perfect painting given to all who take the time to notice and different for everyone according to the position and perspective.
- Read- Hello Fears- talk about perspective change- it’s teaching me how to loo at fears differently.
- Written- blog posts that I’m writing and posting Really setting me free.
Day 19- 3 Gifts in Church
- Support- building up and encouraging each other
- Laughter- not superficial or fake- but pure JOY and NOT at other people’s expense
- Friendships- a closeness that is like no other
How about you? What are you thankful for big or small?
Interested in more of my Joy Dare posts you can click here
To Learn about more about Ann Voskamp’s Book One Thousand Gifts and The Joy Dare Check out her website here.