Half Way!!!! Week 7 Update


I cannot believe it!!! Yesterday marked 50 days blogging in a row. I am officially half way done with this challenge and the funny thing is I feel like I am only just getting started…and that is great!

#31days2021-The Power of Your Influence

Many of you know that I planned on doing this from the beginning of the 100 days and when I started on Friday I had a plan. Don’t worry I still do! But I hit a snag. It was with my Patience Post which will go live tomorrow. I had made a big mistake and I found it….as I thought I was wrapping it up.

I was frustrated and discouraged. And I will be honest, I wasn’t at all being patient with myself- How fitting right! I set it aside and continued on my journey. And this morning as I was proof reading and fixing it I realized two things

  • First it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.
  • I saw a major amount of growth within myself. Once upon a time I would have done whole bunch of negative self talk. I would have just saved that sucker as a draft never to revisit it again- (can I just say that I deleted over 30 such posts about 3 weeks ago) AND I would have avoided blogging altogether because those types of things made me think I was just posing as a blogger (AKA I suffer from spotter syndrome)

The amount of growth that I saw this morning as I plugged through the mistake- a mistake that I made a complete mountain out of two days ago- I worked through and didn’t give up on it. THAT”S HUGE PROGRESS!


The older two kids are about half way through their soccer season and they are both enjoying playing with their teams.

The older two and Hubby returned from their hiking trip in the Adirondaks yesterday. They had a great time.

Hubby starts an internship today with our church we have been attending and the search process continues with a get to know you interview tomorrow night.

The Younger two are plugging away at school and all of their adventures.

As I look over the last month or two we have all been on a journey of being stretched. Many are in ways that we have never been stretched before. And That is great. That means as a family we are on a learning journey. We want to do new things and explore new areas of ourselves personally and grow.


As I grow on my reading Journey I have learned something about my reading goals- As much as I like to finish books every month I have to let go of some of that because the reality is when you have to read a bunch of books at the same time , they might now all get read in one month. So this month I am in line to finish 6 books.

We will finish another morning basket book today or tomorrow (Corrie ten Boom) and I have already finished S.H.A.P.E.

Blogging (in General)

I have been staying ahead. I have been able to blog every single morning since changing my routine and that has been amazing. I know I am setting up habits for the future and that is a huge encouragement!

I am also beginning to see a blogging routine formulate in my brain for after the 100 days challenge is over! It will look different and I am contemplating letting somethings go. It’s funny because once you have a distinct purpose in something it forces you to evaluate what you do through the lens of that purpose.

Your Turn!

How are you guys doing in the areas of growth you have chosen. Are you meeting Your goals? Do your goals or perspectives need to change? Have you seen any areas of major growth? I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to in the comments!

All the links

Write 31 Days 2018 Influence Posts

Choosing Courage 100 Day Writing Project

Write 31 Days 2021 Link up List (Scroll to the bottom)

Peace- Positive Influence Trait #3


“I’ve Got the peace that passes understanding down in my heart! Where? Down in My heart! Where? Down in my heart to stay.”

This words echo in my heart as I sit here contemplating peace. These are the words of a Sunday school song that I sang as a small child and that I taught my kiddos when they were little as well. So many times we say we want World peace- or a peaceful home. But let’s be honest we live in a pretty chaotic world and our homes can be just as chaotic- and I’m not just talking busy. Busy doesn’t equal chaos. Chaos is defined as complete disorder and confusion. There have been times in our lives when we have lived in complete chaos. BUT just because our circumstances can be chaotic, it doesn’t mean we have to be. The world sees our peace in the middle of the chaos….and they want it AND that can be a HUGE influence.

But as I thought about it I had to ask myself what really keeps peace in the middle of chaos. Because even though the world we know is going crazy around us and even though we feel like we are spinning out of control we can have peace…..The Peace of God is what separates followers of Jesus Christ from the rest of the world.

So how do we get this Peace that passes all understanding?

Amazingly, we have to look no further than the book of Philippians for the answer!!! (I must confess when I started studying Philippians I had no idea that we would be camped there for the majority of this writing series).

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

Let’s break it down

First off we have a two fold command

  • Do not worry about ANYTHING

I just love it when the Bible tells us how to replace a problem- it gives us an alternative to combat the sin that is going on in our hearts. BUT it doesn’t just leave it at pray. it tells us how to pray.

  • Tell Him what you need
  • AND Thank him for all he has done.

You really do need both steps here. You need to converse with God about what is wrong. BE HONEST. God wants us to communicate with him. He wants to know our hearts and what is weighing on them. He wants us to trust him with that. It’s an act of faith. AND then he wants us to recall and thank him for his past faithfulness. THIS IS HUGE. This is the very reason I choose to do a thankfulness challenge here on my blog every week. Because I know I need to be reminded of God’s faithfulness and goodness.

In verse 7 we are given a promise

THEN you will experience God’s Peace. (It exceeds anything we can understand) And Then the verse says what that peace will do for us….His peace will guard our hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

What does this mean?

When we practice the Release (giving God all of our worries) and Remembrance (recalling and thanking God for all he has done) we experience the peace of God …..and that protects our hearts and minds from the effects of the chaos around us.

It’s easy to fret.

It’s easy to spend our days obsessing over things we cannot control. We live in a fear and worry induced society….Money, family, marriage, work, kids, home, animals, weather, COVID..Yep I went there. Loss of our freedoms (yep I went there too) Our health, our car, our world, the list goes on and on and on…..and each one f those has a million different things to fret over . Our days become filled with “what ifs”. Because our sight is turned inward . To quote Mary Poppins “we can’t see past the ends of our own noses”. We miss all that God is doing around us.

Story Time

I am only going to use this example loosely because it will be used more in depth in a few days in another blog post. BUT I have used this example before and for those who are new here I will give you a brief run down.

In December of 2020 I found myself in and out of the hospital in the worst excruciating pain I have ever experienced. I had two medical procedures (one an emergency). I was CONSTANTLY told “You are a very special case” and “we have never seen anything quite like this before”. Life felt so incredibly out of control and I spent most of December not knowing if I would wake up and need to go back to the hospital.

Low and behold there were lots of other things going on in my body that I had no idea was happening.

During December though as I found myself in the emergency room for the last time and one of the Doctors I had seen regularly came to visit me and see why I was there.. He clearly had looked at my chart before coming into my room. This was the absolute worst I had been in the 3 weeks since that nightmare started. The morphine wasn’t doing a whole lot. H e walked into the room and patted my foot. He told me what was going on…used those phrases agin. And we joked about all that was going on.

I was told that I had to have this procedure done. He used those phrases AGAIN and left. I was taken up to the OR and prepped.

The next morning this same doctor came to visit . I felt great- for the first time in a month. But just prior to him coming in the nurse had come in and flatly dropped a bomb shell. He walked in and I said ” we need to talk”. We talked about the incredible]y scary thing the nurse had said (he was frustrated she said anything). We talked about a few other things and then as he left He patted my foot again and he said ” You are amazing- I have never net anyone who has faced this type of trauma with such a good attitude”. He said that he has seen many other people be angry and rude and frustrated and I met it with a smile.

What he didn’t see…

He didn’t see the countless hours of tears and frustration welling up in my heart. I was at a point with the pain that I felt like I was going lose my mind. I had a handful friends that I could REALLY share my heart with and I knew they were praying for me. And in between moments of counting the tiles on the ceiling in my ER room or hospital room I prayed…about everything. Every little piece of the puzzle that didn’t make sense, every pain, every question, every concern, every what if….and then I thanked God for answering prayers from the day before and the hour before and the minutes before this moment. I had been working to build a life of gratitude for sometime before this. And despite all of the chaos swirling around me I found peace


In the months to follow the extremes from this experience prepared my heart for the anxiety and PTSD that would come. It was a vicious cycle for 9 months. Just because I had put Philippians 4:6-7 into practice didn’t mean that the anxiety and worry and fretting didn’t come again and again and again. It meant that when it did come my heart and mind were well equipped for the battle. So when my heart started racing in the middle of the night I could pray and sing and thank God for all of the needs he has met in the last year. My heart and my mind were GUARDED. JUST LIKE THE VERSE PROMISED!

Now it’s Your turn

How can you put these verses into practice? One of the most important things I have found is to have at least one person to remind you of these truths- who can ask you to recall how God has been faithful in the past!


Thank you again for doing me on this journey. Check out all the links below!.

Write 31 Days 2018 Influence Posts

Choosing Courage 100 Day Writing Project

Write 31 Days 2021 Link up List. (Scroll to the bottom)

Joy- Positive Influence Trait #2


Joy- As Christians Joy is a huge part of our faith. We memorize verses, sing songs and talk all about Joy.

But sometimes as Christians we think happiness and Joy are one in the same. And maybe for the rest of the world that is true. But happiness is circumstantial. Joy on the other hand is eternal. Our world can be crashing down around us and our hearts can leap with Joy at the thought of our HOPE- knowing with confidence tat Jesus died for us and we know he WILL fulfill his promises. Specifically the Hope of eternal life in Heaven.

Joy in the middle

We as Christians also get something else VERY WRONG. We think that Joy equals outward expression of happiness. (aka a smile) If someone is hurting and has an outward expression of such, THAT makes us very uncomfortable. So when they have a smile. on their face it is SUPER easy to pass by and we can feel comfortable that they are ok and that I don’t have to get involved.

But I am here to tell ou can still have JOY in the middle of whatever is going on. It doesn’t require a smile on your face either. Paul from the New Testament faced many hardships, he talked about his sorrow and his tears- life is hard. Paul knew that, Jesus knew that- Jesus Himself hand deep sorrow. He shared that too. He didn’t hide it.

Building On Love

Yesterday we learned all about Love and as we grow in our love the next step we take is built on top. of it- IT’S JOY When you have unconditional love- the same love Jesus gives us, You experience true Joy. Joy that is completely unexplainable.

Philippians: A Lesson in Joy

I have been studying Philippians for a while now and I am amazed at Pau’ls Joy despite his sorrow- (2:27). Paul is telling the Philippians that he God spared him (Paul ) from having sorrow upon sorrow when Epaphroditus almost died from an illness. This indicated that Paul was already dealing with sorrow. But you cannot read the book of Philippians with seeing that despite the sorrow he was still filled with great Joy.

But over what?

Well Right off the bat in Chapter 1 He prays for the Phlippian Christians with great Joy because of their partnership in the Gospel from the very beginning AND he is confident that God will complete the good work the God started in them.

Chapter 1

Then later in Chapter one we see a HUGE indicator of Paul’s Joy . In heres prior to 18 Paul talks about how some believers are taking advantage of him being in prison . They are sharing Christ out of selfish ambition but instead of being over taken by “righteous indignation” Paul’s perspective is Different In verse 18 he asks

But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or True, CHRIST IS PREACHED. And because of this I REJOICE YES I WILL CONTINUE TO REJOICE! (NIV- Emphasis mine)

Wow! We can get so wrapped up into what people think of us or what people are saying about us- but in this example Paul gives us a very healthy dose of perspective!

Chapter 2

Chapter2 starts with what will bring Paul even more- or maybe continued Joy.

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Paul’s Joy would be made complete by UNITY. Yes UNITY.
  • like-minded
  • having the same love (remember yesterday’s post?)
  • being one in spirit
  • and of one mind (the mind of Christ)

So then he goes on to give what exactly this looks like:

  • DO NOTHING out of selfish ambition (aka don’t seek your own way)
  • OR vain Conceit ( seeking your own glory)
  • IN Humility
    • value others above yourselves
    • not looking to your own interests but
    • to the interests of others

Then we goes on to explain even more (in case we couldn’t get the picture) That in our relationships with each other we should have the mindset of Jesus Christ : (verses5-8)

  • Even though Jesus was in the very nature of God had humility to not think himself equal with God (he could have used this rightly to his own advantage BUT didn’t)
  • But instead he made himself NOTHING taking on the very nature of a servant- he was made in Human likeness
  • in taking human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death (People he didn’t have to die He choose to die)

And because of THAT kind of humility he was exalted!

My own experience- Positive

I can honestly tell you that when serving with people who have this kind of humility it sparks HUGE JOY! Why? Well because it is a picture of what heaven is going to be like! We were all working together for a common purpose- wWe all had the same heartbeat for that ministry. We gave our all and I loved working on that conference team. We hit road blocks and struggles and sorrows and exhaustion. BUT what Joy!

I know that people say quite often that such and such a thing is “a little piece of heaven on earth”. BUT in reality we can’t really know that because this world is so flawed with sin. We cannot begin to imagine what heaven in all of it physical beauty will be like (physical beauty is usually what’s being referred to in those statements).

However I do believe when you are in the middle of serving Jesus with people who have the unity spoken about in this passage THAT is the closest thing to heaven ion this earth you will bget to heaven AND THAT kind of Joy that is sparked is and will be one of your greatest influences.

My Experience- Negative

What if there is no unity? Well that becomes our negative influence and unfortunately it becomes very obvious very quickly.

The reason….. is mentioned in just a few verses after this. And we will visit THAT in about a week or so! We will spend a LOT of time hashing this out because it is a huge problem and is rooted in entitlement the antithesis of what Paul talks about above.

The rest of Philippians

I know there are two more Chapters left in Philippians and there are still more reasons for Joy found in them but I want you yo dive into them and seek them out for yourselves. Part of this journey is seeking the treasure hidden within God’s wordAnd then I want to discuss them in the comments bellow.

Thank you so much for Doing me on this Journey Through the power of our influence!

Check out all the links Below

Write 31 Days 2018 Influence Posts

Choosing Courage 100 Day Writing Project

Write 31 Days 2021 Link up List (Scroll to the bottom)

Happy Homemaker Monday 10-4-2021


Happy Monday Everyone! Whew it’s been a week and I am so glad to be back with you all. (Let’s hope I can actually remember to link up this week- I have forgotten the last two MONDAYS!!!)

Breakfast time….what is on the plate this morning::::

Coffee (as Usual) and yogurt with Granola

Looking around the house::::

We goto some major stuff done this past week and now we are swinging into maintenance mode

On today’s to do list::::

  • Week 2 of my 6 week sprint- so declutter and downsize more kitchen cabinets and apartment closet
  • LOT’s of blogging
  • catching up on some Bible Study stuff

Currently reading::::

  • Get out Of Your Head
  • Bible
  • Hello Fears
  • Practical Dreamer
  • 365 Ways to save time
  • Corrie ten Book biography with the kids

On the TV this week::::

Nothing really

On the menu this week::::

Monday – Cheesy Chicken Tater Tot Casserole
Tuesday –  Pizza Party (just us and the kids)
Wednesday – Soup- Veggie (no meat
Thursday –  Food on the go for the kids (Hubby and I need to take something to bible study)
Friday –  Tacos
Saturday – Hamburgers and French Fries
Sunday –  Lemon Pepper Chicken and Potatoes in the Crockpot

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::

Do some reading , and enjoy the outdoors

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::

Cheesy chicken tater tot casserole

One of my simple pleasures::::

Creating- of all sorts. Specifically writing and in my craft room

 Something fun to share::::

My write 31 Days Challenge

 Favorite photo from the camera::::

Hubby and the two oldest snapped this beauty while in the Adirondacks hiking

Praying for::::

♥♥  A friend and her baby in the hospital ♥♥  friends and family going through struggles
♥♥   the kids playing soccer- safety and good attitudes  ♥♥ school   ♥♥  travel
♥♥   Decisions on churches

For more Happy Homemaker Monday posts Check out Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

Thanks for joining me for My Choosing Courage 100 day writing project.. You can check out all the other posts by clicking here.

Inktober 2021- A Time to Play


Welcome to the first installment of Inktober 2021 pieces of art. I am using a new sketchbook and it is interesting to use. Since I am using Marker(Alcohol based Ohuhu Markers) I thought I would get marker paper and if you are familiar with those types Markers you know they bleed through pretty much every type of paper. It means you can’t use the other side of the paper and sometimes it means that you can’t use the next page either. Even when you get marker paper you can’t use the other side because it has a coating on the back.

One day as I was watching a Youtube video the artist (can’t remember who) talked about a RENDR (not a spelling mistake) sketchbook. A marker paper sketchbook where you can DRAW on both sides!!!!


When I got it I immediately tested it out and sure enough- I colored on both sides of the first page pretty heavy handed I might add- and I couldn’t see anything through the page! I was so excited! I have picked it up a a few rimes and doodled but I knew I was going to be using it for inktober.

The Learning curve

I have never used marker paper before I only used markers on heavy yardstick or on regular sketchbook paper with either plastic sheet bind it or plastic shelf paper (you know the type you can laminate with.) stuck to the back of the page. And they both work. I will still plan on using these techniques.

The difference between card stock and The RENDR sketchbook is HUGE I’m used to the ink soaking into the paper while using yardstick or regular sketch paper- when I started using the RENDR sketchbook the ink kinda just sat on top of the paper and the ink looked more streaky than the normal paper.

So I had to learn to work with that. I couldn’t get a smooth transition so instead of getting annoyed I decided to use it as texture. AND I”M LOVING IT. It’s not necessarily my favorite but after some practice I am getting used to it!! I am really enjoying playing with the textures I am getting. It’s not perfect but I am completely self taught so there’s that learning curve too.

The first 3 pictures

Day 1 Crystal-I have staked this one a bit

Day 2- Suit

Fay 3 Vessel (as in a water vessel like mentioned in the Bible)

In as much as I am working on my maker skills I am also building on my muscle memory and drawing skills. So I know these aren’t perfect but I have come such a long way since I first started doing this challenge.

Thank you so much for joining me on this Journey of blogging for 100 days. You can check out the rest of the Choosing Courage posts.

You can also check out The Power of Your Influence #write31days series

And you can check out more #inktober posts here