dear Weary Mom-Where Did Our Summer Go?

Oh my dear weary friends I sit here on my couch this evening wondering what exactly happened to our summer.  We went from end of the school year activities, to our towns big celebration (which entailed weeks worth of float work and culminated in a parade). Then we went right into VBS. work, took a break for a week while hubby and the whole family went to an area christian kids camp and hubby did 3 nature adventure hikes for four days (we had a blast and Tornado got to do his first sleep away camp experience), then we got back in time for VBS to start.   Oh what fun that was as we transformed our church into Athens Greece and we took on characters!  After that I jumped right into  working on my daughters 7th birthday present!  (It was a lot. Of sewing but about 90 percent of it was finished on her birthday). And then when her birthday was all said and done, i sat back and said…what now?

I have roughly 2 1/2 weeks of summer vacation left and we have some fun things planned, but when I look back at the beginning of June two things flood my heart.

#1- i failed-  i didn’t reach any of my goals for this summer.   Did I accomplish things, of course but it wasn’t what I wan’t to.

#2 my kids didn’t have the best summer I had planned to give them


Then I stop say….”Girl you know better!   It’s not about what you want.  It’s about what God wants.  And as for the kids, they had a blast!  Running through the woods, playing in the kiddie pool, staying up late, trying new foods, finding frogs and salamanders, finishing the fence and having safe play outside.  They know nothing about the best summer ever, that you had planned for them!  ”

This was something that I did to the best of my ability.

I lived the 1 Corinthians 10:31 principle of doing all to the glory of God….and I will continue to do so for the next two and a half weeks!

And what if you didn’t?

Each day is a new slate, a new beginning so make a choice, you can make two.

Make the choice to accept God’s plans over your own AND to do whatever it is God. Has planned to the best of your ability!

Does all of this mean we shouldn’t make plans, no, no it doesn’t.  It means that if God has something else in mind, roll with it.  Don’t complain.  Usually in those plan B moments God plans on ministering to us or through us which results inblessings either   way!

So yes our summer is almost over and no it didn’t go as I had planned it, but it was a good one nonetheless and I thank the Lord for that!


for more Dear Weary Mom posts visit HOPE FOR THE WEARY MOM

Dear Weary Mom, Lay Them Down


Dear Weary Mom,

Yeah you..I’ m talking to you..matter of fact I’m talking to all of you! Me too! This is going to serve as a reminder to myself as well.

I’m sure we have all heard of a call to arms, or a call to lay down arms but today I want to call all of you to lay down your ideals. Yes your ideals! They are holding you back, causing guilt, a sense of Failure, and discontent.

Ideals are rooted in perfection.
They may look something like this……

“My children will be potty trained just after they turn two”

“My home will always be in order when i go to bed at night”

“My children will sit quietly and read a book, while I talk on the phone”

“I will be calm and patient in every circumstance”

Do these sound familiar? I hope so! These were only a few of my ideals. I must confess that my ideals were a mile long when we got married.

Maybe your ideals were a large family, or a small family, or a family, but maybe that’s not what happened. Maybe you had a 5 year plan….with kids every two years BUT All of a sudden you find yourself 4 kiddos in 5 tears (GUILTY)

Maybe you had the ideals for your kids….they would talk by a certain age, walk by a certain age, read and write, college!

They are all things that we tuck into our head….some of them are dreams and goals, but at some point they move from just dreams and goals to ideals. And from there we somehow place our success and failure into whether or not our ideals are met.

Let’s be honest there is only one man and woman who had a shot at living the ideal, but they made a terrible choice.a choice that would affect every person born until Jesus, and every person after him! You see the ideal wasn’t good enough for Adam and Eve….and that is what we long for to have back (yeah it took me a while to wrap my brain around that one). I fight every day for the very thing adam and eve chose to give up.

That’s what the Israelites fought for in the Old Testament and it’s what the Pharisees demanded in the New Testament and it is what we lie to ourselves each and everyday for when we tell ourselves ” i can’t even get the dishes done, i have failed AGAIN”

This is where grace comes in….it’s not until God gave grace through Jesus that the ideal was met. Grace is perfection in Jesus. You won’t be perfect until you get to heaven. So Jesus gave you grace, you weren’t perfect before that, so embrace that grace to yourself, lay down the ideals that were unrealistic to begin with and live each day with one thing in mind…

In whatever you eat or whatever you drink or whatever you do , so ALL to the glory of God
1 Corinthians 10:31
(From memory. Emphasis added)

When this is your focus, those ideals seem to slip away and you know that you are doing your best…..and that’s all that God asks of you.

So today lay down those ideals….at the feet of Jesus, and live each moment to the glory of God!

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Dear Weary Mom


Dear Weary mom,

if your week has been anything like my week, it’s no wonder we are weary :). Unfortunately my weekend holds no hope of rest!

Tomorrow is graduation night for a couple of girls in our youth group,(and I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Those girls mean a lot to me) Saturday morning hubby has a funeral to do and two hours after said funeral, he has to be at church for a wedding he is doubg as well. then there is all of the Sunday activities. I love being a pastors wife, and it is my calling! But it’s no wonder we as moms get so weary…..notice how there wasn’t any family events in there! So add four kids to the mix…and a dog! WHEW. I am exhausted already.

there comes a point though that I find that I am reminding myself that someday i won’t have to do all these things. as we live these broken lives in a fallen world, there is no such thing as perfect peace and rest. How many times have you fallen into bed totally exhausted just to wake up a few short hours for any number of reasons.

1. A sick child
2. Insomnia–for who knows why!
3. Dreams/ nightmares
4. You hear a noise—or you THINK you heard a noise
5. Worry for some reason, they all vary depending on what’s going on in your life at the time.

And the list could go on and on and on, and it usually does. Butjust like my weekend is full and holds no hope of rest, neither does his world. But there will come a day dear friend where we will have PERFECT (yes i mean perfect as in FLAWLESS) peace and rest. We will no longer be weary moms!

ALL. Of those reasons I listed above, and ALL of your reasons you added to it, will NEVER happen again.

What joy that brings my heart….seriously. I feel at times this life will drag on for eternity, but it won’t. Every birthday and holiday is a reminder of just how fast time flies!

I hope that is an encouragement to you as it is to me. No I don’t want to rush through this amazing life God has given me. But on those super hard days, weeks, months, or yes even years, that one thought of one day reaching that perfect peace and God promises, makes me be able to face one more day!

I think that’s why God gives us a glimpse of what’s not going to be in heaven more than what is. We understand the hurts and pains of this life right now, and to not have to go through them someday is HOPE! As for what is going to be there….it’s far too hard for us to understand that because it’s nothing like we have ever seen!

So my dear friend yes this life is wearisome. Monotony is all around us….our schedules keep us hopping and exhausted, and our kids love us and drive us crazy all at the same time, but yet when all this seems to be dragging on we have hope of true perfect peace and rest. May you cling to that hope til you reach it, I know I will!


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Dear weary Mom

Hello all,
It’s been two weeks. In that two weeks i have injured my hand to which I was sentenced to 10 to 14 days in a splint. Yeah that was fun! And Then we got a stomach bug thing! It was kinda weird mostly because i was not allowed to do anything! I went stir crazy. I tried taking the splint off too soon! Boy did that not not help things. These are the Lessons I learned:
1. I am VERY INDEPENDENT, but relying on my hubby for help isn’t all bad 🙂
2. God will do WHATEVER it takes to get your attention, it’s better to pay attention the first time!
3.Adversity enables me to write in a way that amazes me. It is a total God thing!

Now for my letter!

Dear weary mom,
I too am a weary mom. I am riddled with weaknesses and imperfections. I felt insecure in everything I attempted. Failure loomed at every turn in the road. Criticism led to anxiety. I feared failure! I knew I could never be perfect, but I hated to fail!

I thought I was alone in all of this. I couldn’t meet the expectations of everyone around me and i was being crushed under the pressure i was unrealistically putting on myself, but I came to realize a few life changing truths!
1. God loves me just as I am and yet enough to not let me stay that way!
2, i am not alone and I am NOT inadequate. God will give me what I need, just when I need it.
3. The only person I need to worry about is God. Living a life full of grace and mercy is what is going to change lives. The lives of my children are dependent on grace and mercy!
4. God’s grace is sufficient. “Grace, Grace God’s Grace, Grace that is Greater than ALL My sins!” I don’t need to have the approval of anyone other than God. I need to have a 1 Corinthians 10:31 focus

In whatever you eat or whatever you drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God.

So my dear fellow weary moms, no matter what God hands you, rely on him for his strength! Let me leave you with my thoughts on what I need from other weary moms, shared on the MOB Society’s facebbok page,

I’m tired of hearing that my hands are full. My heart is full , my arms are full but my hands they are empty lifted up to God knowing He and only he will fill my cup. He gives not what I can handle myself but what will push me to my limits and make me rely on him for everything I need. I need to be reminded to rely on Jesus because when I think I have it all figured out, thats when God drops a bowling ball in my teacup!

So mom’s you are crazy busy! But relying on God is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself! Know he loves you! Even if it seems no one else does! The battle is so worth the fight. So fight on and live in grace!
Love your fellow weary mom,

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Dear Weary ….Me

imageDear Weary Me,

I  know you’re plum tuckered out.  I know you feel ragged and worn.  I know there is aways more work to be done, but sometimes you just need to stop and breathe.

I have some advice for you, you know it well but  sometimes you just need a reminder!

God gives you many blessings and promises, take a moment each day to remind yourself of them!

1. God knows you are not perfect, He died for that very reason.  He loves you THAT much.

2.  God knows EVERYTHING.  He won’t leave you…EVER!  He never promised you He wouldn’t give you  what you couln’t hadle.  What He did promise was that He has it all under control.

3. He has our best interest in mind.  Even though things may not appear as such sometimes, that is still the case.  Trusting  in Him, opens our eyes to the blessing that lie in some of our darkest moments.  We need His light to see it though!

You know truth!  You know where to find it.  Take the time to dive in




For more Dear Weary Mom posts go to Hopr for The Weary Mom