Hello friends- last week I promised a mini- series called DIVIDED based on the verse Luke 10:27 (NLT)
The man answered, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
The point of this verse is to say that we are to love God with EVERY aspect of our lives. . Four different times Luke tells us….ALL- repetition is emphasis on an idea…..You truly love God when he has ALL of our hearts. ALL of souls, ALL of our minds and ALL of our strength.
We show God just how much we love him by our complete and total devotion to him. Sometimes we think we are completely devoted to God but we have let little things that creep in and place a wedge between us and God. So over the next week we are going to touch base on these four areas.
Now that we have set the stage join me tomorrow for a double header of blog posts…First this weeks Joy Dare and then what it means to have a divided Heart.
Thanks for joining me today! And I cannot wait to get to know each one of you! If you are knew here feel free to poke around and check out the other Choosing Courage 100 day Blogging project posts.