:::: The Weather ::::
It has been a rather roller coaster sort of week. and this week is shaping u to be no different. It can range from 30’s down to the negatives. Last week we had a negative 14 morning (That’s without the wind chill).
:::: How I am feeling this morning ::::
I am ready to tackle the day! I have a lot of planner work to do today since it didn’t happen on Saturday. So I have some catch up today but I am ready to go!
:::: On the breakfast plate ::::
A cup of coffee gingerbread syrup and Oatmilk. Egg whites with parmesean cheese and bacon
:::: On my reading pile ::::
- The book of Matthew (Bible)
- Wingfeather Tales (with the kids)
- Simplifying Prayer (PDF)
- Get Out of Your Head
- The Life Giving Home
:::: On my TV ::::
Nothing really
:::: On the menu this week ::::
Monday -Hamburgers and French friens and fresh veggies
Tuesday – Ham and Scalloped Potatoes. Wednesday -Subs and Chips Thursday– Chili and Biscuits
Friday – Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole. Saturday-Meatball Subs Sunday– BLT’s
::::From the Camera ::::

:::: Looking around the house ::::
Lots of work to do as we make plans for a move and adjust to new schedules and the like. Homeschooling has made these transitions a lot easier for sure.
:::: To do List ::::
- Kitchen – dishes and sweeping and counters
- catch up planner work
- Kitchen table
:::: Today’s devotional ::::
Today I’m reading Matthew 22-23. Chapter 22 talks a lot about Blind guides and this resonates with me a lot because I understand this concept perhaps a little more differently than some….because I have literally been a “blind guide”. I am what is commonly referred to as a visually blind person. I have shared that a number of times here on my blog.
As a teenager in my Junior year of high school I attended “blind camp…..sounds amazing right? Well it was. And at this camp as a camper there were no real “Can’ts”
We went hiking over night and slept in A frames, we fished and canoed and paddle boated….we even had a group that went spelunking (crawling around in caves) and we even rafted down a local river. There were two types of campers. Blind campers and sighted blind campers and as a “sighted blind camper” I had to help those who were completely blind.
Well one night as the Sr High campers were walking back to our cabins (we got to stay up later and were in the senior lounge” I had the task of walking back t one of my cabin mates who was completely blind complete with cane. And we were walking kinda fast….and well there are certain things even a sighted blind person can’t see real well in the dark…..like volleyball nets. Needless to say we both ended up flat on our backs rather stunned but the surprise that seemed jump out of nowhere. It’s not like it was new it had been there ALL week. I had dodged it myself many times but in the dark its completely different story.
Well In Matthew 22 Jesus is talking about how the Pharisees were a bunch of blind guides. they are referred to as such numerous times throughout the book of Matthew but 22 is really when Jesus hits home- They are leading the people in the wrong direction focusing on the outward appearances rather than the hearts of those they are leading and teaching.
Ya know it’s funny I remember very distinctly thinking to myself oh we aren’t anywhere near the dolly ball net and literals 30 seconds later we were laying on our backs stunned. I thought I was leading her around it. BUT I was wrong.
And we like the Pharisees and myself leading my cabin-mate have to be incredibly careful when leading other people.- or even being led by people- because what appears right and good can be very misleading……and very harmful. Mentally, spiritually and/or physically.
Thank you so much for doing me today! For more Happy Homemaker posts you can visit Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.