My 2021 Joy Dare -week 2


Hey Welcome back to this weeks Joy Dare post. so glad you are here. Let’s jump in.


January 8th- 14th 2021

January 8th- Dusky Light,, Surprising Reflection, Lovely Shadow
  • Dusky Light-the bright crispness of the snow under moonlight.
  • Surprising Reflection- seeing our children hearts reflected back in how the serve God and others
  • Lovely Shadow- The cat sitting watching the Christmas tree lights in the dark
January 9th- Held, Passed By, Set With
  • Held- Miss Mia (one of our twin orange Tabby Cat) She is such a sweet and cuddly cat.
  • Passed By- lots of craft supplies as I packed a box for a friend
  • Sat with- I enjoy just sitting with hubby. It’s one of my favorite things
January 10th- Sour, sweet, and Just right
  • Sour- Cranberry juice- helping my kidneys and bladder
  • Sweet- Christmas Treats hidden away for just the right time
  • Just right-Chocolate covered pretzels or salted caramels
January 11th- 3 Yellow gifts of fresh mercy
  • A painting a friend did for me of purple and yellow tulips with my favorite hymn printed on it.
  • A Christmas Cactus given to me by my church family while I have been recovering . Its wrapped in a very cheerful yellowy gold foil!
  • I have a cute yellow and black stuffed poison dart frog named Charlie gifted to me by one of my kiddos.
January 12th- Something Above, Below and Beside
  • Above- lights, I am so thankful for bright lights I can see to the best of my abilities
  • Below- sleeping puppies with sweet snores at my feet- ok so they aren’t REALLY puppies!
  • Beside- my hubby who has done a marvelous job taking care of me
January 13th- 3 Things about me. (This one was tough)
  • my creativity- Thank you Lord for fostering my creativity through my hubby encouragement
  • my small hands- so I can get them into tight places
  • My spiritual gifts- I am so grateful for them so I can serve God for His glory

January 14th- 3 Startling graces of God

  • Seeing God use something that just happened in your life to help someone else
  • Watching God take something horrible and transform someone
  • seeing yourself in God’s word specifically something I need to work on

Want to join me on this Joy Dare, Check out Ann Voskamp’s website for more details by clicking here.